Reduce Sugar for Breakfast

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

A group of adults who start breakfast with a little sugar content every day. High blood pressure is a major cause of the emergence of a heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. American Heart Association has long warned about the dangers of health because of added sugar, either in food or beverages, including soft drinks. A soft drink is one drink that much use of sweeteners.

Hypertension can also be caused by drug use. Like the corticosteroid group (cortison) and some hormone drugs, including some anti-inflammatory drugs (anti-inflammasi) continually which can increase a person's blood pressure.

Smoking also is one of the factors causing high blood pressure increase, because tobacco contains nicotine. Beverages containing alcohol are also included one of the factors that cause high blood pressure. Patients with hypertension are advised to control myself in eating salt. We recommend that you select the number of low sodium content when buying food, also limit your consumption of meat and cheese, as well as reduce the use of sauces which generally contain sodium.

READ MORE - Reduce Sugar for Breakfast

Healthy Skin Shines With Mango Masks

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Mango is not only good to eat, but also useful to protect skin from free radical thanks to the high content of beta-carotene, which is then converted by the body into vitamin A.

Please note, vitamin A is a substance essential to get beautiful skin is perfect. Want to try this delicious fruit in your skin?

First, prepare the necessary materials:

1 / 4 fresh ripe mangoes
2 tsp almond
2 tsp oatmeal
2 tsp whipping cream

Enter the almonds and oatmeal in a blender or food processor, and puree until evenly mixed. Peel the mangoes, cut into two pieces, cut into four and add to the oatmeal mixture and almonds, blend until smooth.

Add whipping cream, and blend again for a few minutes, or until the mixture is smooth.

Mango masks was ready to use! Apply the mask to the face that has been cleaned, let stand for 15 minutes until dry. Then rinse with warm water.

You can save the rest of the mask in a sealed container, then put in the fridge. Use mango mask for the face at least once a week healthy, beautiful and shining.

READ MORE - Healthy Skin Shines With Mango Masks

Beauty Tips for Women Bikers

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

After riding a motorcycle, usually the appearance of the bikers (motor driver) will be in disarray. Moreover, if a woman biker. After a biker, could make a faded beauty. Really?

Who says women can not look pretty after riding a motorcycle? All you need to realize, biker woman can look feminine and pretty, even at full speed when wearing a helmet.

Of course there are various tricks that should you follow the first. Keeping your skin and hair all the way is a must you do, but on the other hand there are simple beauty tips that you can know.


The wind can really kill your hair. Despite wearing a helmet, it remains difficult to maintain your hair style is so good. But no need to despair, if you want to still look beautiful on the bike, the best advice is to tie or braid your hair.

Wind blows hard and fast, is one big problem that can make you look so messy. Not only that, the wind can also make hair becomes damaged and dry.

Therefore, before riding a motorcycle, it is worth caring for your hair by using hair products that are rich in vitamin. It is important to maintain healthy hair, easily arranged, and shiny.

If you plan to let your hair loose while riding a motorcycle, so be prepared to see your hair like tangled yarn. If your hair becomes matted, then this could add your work to tidy it up from scratch. In fact, you have to bear the pain when combing hair.

And, if you feel you are still difficult to look beautiful, you can keep wearing the hairstyle with the bandanna. This is done to make your hair stay in place and avoid embarrassing hairstyle called.

Face makeup

It may seem silly, have a face with perfect makeup, while you're riding a motorcycle. But no doubt, most of the womenfolk want to look beautiful and wonderful after a motorcycle parked or rather, after removing the helmet they wear.

Fortunately, there are several options to help you find the best way, which is kind of makeup you wear depends on the type of helmet you have.

Motorcyclist with a helmet full face or cover the entire face, can use the palette before applying powder foundation solid. Because of this helmet cover its entire surface so any facial makeup that is used, of course, can make it quickly erased.

The best way to tweak your appearance is by playing on eye makeup. Apply lip gloss or lipstick, it's good once you get off the bike, because it can leave stains during the trip lasts.

For a woman motorist who usually wore half face helmet, the helmet that does not wrap the front of the face, then the choice will be more diverse makeup.

But the main thing is to wear sunscreen or SPF contained in the foundation, after which the wear of solid powder and blush on your taste. This time you have a big enough opportunity, explore the area of the eyes or lips as they pleased.

However, one thing to remember is, that insects or dirt can stick on your face during the trip. So it might be wise to make it look more simple makeup while driving a motorcycle and apply the remaining balance after you arrive at your destination, you will have plenty of time to check myself in the mirror.

READ MORE - Beauty Tips for Women Bikers

Cigarette drug triggers heart disease

Smoking habits are not good for health. Besides causing heart disease risk, a person who smokes can be lung cancer, oral cancer, impotence, and heart.

Recent research also shows the dangers of second-hand smoke, that cigarette smoke inhaled by people for non-smokers around smokers or so called passive smoking.

Short-term impact of smoking, the smoke makes the first eye irritation. Then the heart rate and blood pressure increase, and usually causes people to smoke to be thin, because of decreased appetite. The temperature of the ends of the arms will be cooler, if you eat less because of his taste is pressed by the cigarette smoke earlier. And the most obvious is the effect of teeth, so the color yellow to black.

While long-term effects of cigarettes is the emergence of various diseases. Usually I come across is heart disease. The main factors of heart disease is smoking.

During the time a smoker who does not realize is the effect caused by sucking the only one cigarette. In fact, there are many benefits to the body when not one cigarette.

New stop smoking just 20 minutes is good. Blood pressure, heart rate, peripheral blood flow improves. If up to 12 hours, carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal. The system improves blood flow and cardiac function can be improved.

But it can not be denied that when it was caught smoking, the use of nicotine is so addictive. Once someone becomes a smoker, it would be difficult to end the habit, both physically and psychologically. Smoking becomes a compulsive habit, starting with the ceremonial lighting a cigarette and blew smoke made repeatedly.

"They know how to stop baseball, because it was addicted to nicotine. Effects of nicotine inhaled to produce dopamine. Whereas dopamine is only temporary. If you have less, then the desire will arise smoking again. Not only addictive, but a habit. Medical solution to quit smoking, varenicline tartrate. How it works can take over the position of nicotine, but still raises dopamine. My experience effectively, so can these drugs are usually pretty good, how to use it easily and there are no side effects.

READ MORE - Cigarette drug triggers heart disease

Helps Smokers Nicotine free from the shackles

The most serious consequence of chronic use of nicotine is addictive. Once one becomes a smoker, it was difficult for him to end the habit, both physically and psychologically.

This is because the nature of addictive-make a person become addicted to smoking in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) are grouped into nicotine related disorders. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) classify them as forms of addiction. Pharmacologic and behavioral processes that determine tobacco addiction similar to the process that causes addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Addiction of smoking is multidimensional. Heavier than you are taking cocaine. Usually dumulai of adolescent smoking

In a cigarette, there is content not less than 4000 toxic chemicals. Chemicals released consists of components of gas (85 percent) and particles (15 percent). Gas component of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, ammonia, acid hidrosianat, nitrogen oxides, and formaldehyde. The particle form of tar, Indole, nicotine, karbarzol, and cresol.

So, what causes the smoker is difficult to stop? Apparently, nicotine is the cause.

Nicotine content of cigarettes we are better than those cigarettes in Europe. Nicotine produces dopamine. Dopamine affects the endorphins that will generate excitement, such as morphine that occurs naturally in the body. Once the nicotine go down, then the usual dose is not enjoyable, then the smokers are more the suck again.

Are smokers can escape from the shackles of nicotine? "The initial capital of the self, motivation, intention, commitment. If the difisi addiction in the psychiatric unit. There are stages of behavior change, if people want to stop, we see first of pracontemplation, it has not been realized, not voluntary. At the time he began to waver, into the contemplation stage.

How, then, the easiest way to help smokers quit smoking?
"Support from family, social and medical assistance. There is an addiction, can be defeated with a strong motivation. Motivation can be enhanced. We reinforced them, and make them unstable. Moreover, they were given information dangers of smoking.

Supports with respect to their business, other than that provided time for the smokers who want to quit so they feel accompanied, and most importantly do not be judgmental. Then if he could stop gradually.

READ MORE - Helps Smokers Nicotine free from the shackles

Create a Body of Jennifer Lopez's Sports Section

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Despite giving birth to twins, Max and Emme, Jennifer Lopez's curves still look sexy. Who would have guessed, the wife of Marc Anthony did not do a strict diet, instead of this beautiful star admitted hobby eat anything. Only, JLo exercise, because they believe exercise is good for the soul.

The singer who is also actress admits sometimes find it difficult to find time to exercise. Still, he knows there are huge benefits that can be obtained.

He's working out your body harder and harder, and now with the presence of two babies seem to make me not have the time, I had to wake up before they exercise! But I know that if a good body to body and mind.

Besides feeling very good physical exercise for the body, the pressure felt by JLo as part of the job. Female 40 years old was also admitted, he felt the pressure of always making it look good.

She told Look magazine, "Feeling the pressure clearly part of the job. Everyone has stress in their jobs. But I've always been quite lucky, I do not like eating much. I like to eat, but I do not eat too much

READ MORE - Create a Body of Jennifer Lopez's Sports Section

How can avoid food poisoning?

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

We often encounter in everyday life is food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning that often arise include: headache, vomiting, diarrhea, red-red and itchy skin, red eyes and fever. In fact, some foods can cause blood poisoning that can cause humans to lose consciousness. Therefore, it should be very careful in terms of diet and began to recognize the environment around us.

Most sources of poisoning are: can of food, from the kitchen because it deals with the cleanliness of the kitchen equipment, as well as people who manage the cleanliness of the food.

Precise and simple way to avoid food poisoning are:

1. Wash hands before eating and also in managing and serving food. Especially after the hand touched the animal, in the case of changing diapers, after urinating, or during defecation, or associated with soil, plants and herbs.

2. Note also the refrigerator or freezer it is worth noting, and also to note is that the refrigerator is only inhibit bacterial growth. Because if the food is issued in the refrigerator was not immediately processed, then the bacteria can multiply rapidly and can cause toxicity.

3.Jangan placed alongside the raw eating cooked food, because it may cause cross contamination.

4. Avoid foods from insects such as flies, mice as well.

5. Wash food with water flowing to avoid contamination by bacteria, worms and eggs in food peptisida without boiling.

6. Do not leave food or water droplets falling on other food or scattered with other foods, because it could be a good food or bad food pollutants that have been stale.

7. Use different cutting board for cutting raw and cooked foods, because the cutting board after cutting raw material may contain bacteria, especially if used to cut raw meat. Do not forget to wash cutting boards with soap and hot water. Or, more secure wear with two different cutting board.

8. And note the foods you eat, like if you are often allergic to one type of food then avoid these foods such as shrimp, tuna fish, seawater fish and other species. Especially when the body is less fit that can lead to decreased endurance, so that it can lead to increased allergic reactions and spur reactions and allergic responses in the body.

Better to prevent it? more affected than the new first we change our bad habits. Do not forget to watch out for management, how to store food, and serving it, so symptoms of toxicity can be prevented. Notice also the type of foods we eat everyday.

READ MORE - How can avoid food poisoning?

Cinnamon, the Sweet Blood Sugar Control

Besides the smell, it was cinnamon or cinnamon can also be used to cure diseases. Mixture made cakes, hot drinks, cinnamon can control blood sugar levels. There are also other powerful benefits.

Cinnamon or better known by the name of cinnamon is often encountered # en | en | Cinnamon% 2C% 20si% 20Manis% 20Pengontrol% 20Gula% 20Darah% 0Adalam several types of cuisine. Not rare cinnamon powder is also used for baking or sprinkled over the dry cake mix. The aroma is typical to make a cake or cooking so much more delicious.

Which is still shaped cinnamon sticks used for beverages and cake decorator. But who would have thought that cinnamon is used as a supplement proved to have remarkable benefits for health. One is to regulate blood sugar levels, especially for those who suffer from diabetes.

Cinnamon is effective to work in patients with type 2 diabetes. Namely, those that produce insulin but the body is not working correctly. By consuming cinnamon powder made drink each morning may stimulate insulin work better.

In addition, the study, conducted at Copenhagen University also states that half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with one tablespoon of natural honey every morning before breakfast can relieve bone pain or known as arthritis. During a week consume these drinks, the pain will gradually diminish.

Fragrant cinnamon aroma stimulates the brain and cognitive function in making your memory work better. Cinnamon is also one source of fiber, iron, and calcium is good for the body. In addition, half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day, made a drink or mixed in the diet can lower LDL cholesterol levels.

READ MORE - Cinnamon, the Sweet Blood Sugar Control

Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

For women, this one called the disease must be caused by fear. In addition to cervical cancer, breast cancer, including diseases of the most attacking women.

In some countries, one of the UK, breast cancer became the most frightening specter of disease. Why not, breast cancer in this country has claimed many lives. This shows how dangerous breast cancer that if left can lead to death.

According to Dr. Kunta Setiaji Spb SpBOnk from SMF Surgery Sardjito Hospital / FKU UGM, breast cancer incidence in Indonesia was 21 new cases per 100 thousand people, while in Europe the incidence of breast cancer is high enough that 76 new cases per 100 thousand people. Breast cancer is divided into several stages:
1. Stadium zero (carcinomain situ ductal).
2. Stage 1 (lump / tumor size under 2 inches)
3. Stage 11 A (lumps in the breast size of 2-5 inches)
4. Stage 11 B (other than a lump in my breast size 2-5 inches, in the armpit are also already palpable lump)
5. Stadium 111 A (lump size above 5 centimeters)
6. 111 B-stage (in addition there are lumps in the breast size above 5 inches, has had ulcers in the breasts).
7. Stage IV (cancer has spread to the lungs, liver, bone, except for hair and nails).

You probably never thought it was breast cancer. Previously you did not feel anything in particular at the breast. You feel healthy and do not feel disturbed in their daily activities. In early esophageal cancer, you just feel a small lump in the breast, or sometimes out of fluid from the nipples that you feel is no bother. You also do not care about it. Unexpectedly, a breast cancer gnawing at you. That picture of the early symptoms of this cancer.

If you experience any such case, you should be careful. Difficult to detect early symptoms, except for the appearance of small lumps or nipple discharge of you might take for granted. If not immediately under suspicion, sooner or later, this disease will spread to all parts of the body, such as lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bone, brain and others. However, it should be noted, cancer is not a disease that can not be cured, provided that can be detected early and treated properly.

To detect this disease early, a routine inspection by the owner himself is highly recommended. Check your breasts regularly, at least once a month or a week after menstruation. Because at that time the most tender breasts, so if there are tumors or certain disorders can be more easily detected. For those of you already menopause, routine inspection can be done every month. Here's how meradangnya identification and prevention of breast cancer.

1. Conducting inspections by seeing breasts in the mirror.

2. Perform palpation, by way of touching the breast while lying down.

3. Massage the nipples with your fingers. Notice if there is fluid from the nipple, such as clear fluid, pus, blood or other.

4. Find out if there is a family history of breast cancer. Because the breast is closely related to genetic factors. These factors influence at least 10 percent of all cases of breast cancer exists.

5. Watch your weight. Obesity (overweight) seems to increase breast cancer risk. The researchers found women with a weight of 44 to 55 pounds after age 18 as much as 40 percent have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

6. Exercise regularly. Some studies suggest that exercise can reduce breast cancer risk.

7. If you are over 50 years, doing regular breast screening. The age factor was the main factor of breast cancer. Research shows 80 percent of breast cancers occur in women aged over 50 years.

8. Reduce fatty foods.

9. Give breast milk in infants.

10. Reduce stress.

READ MORE - Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Old Man's Face Quick order

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

As age increases, women's facial skin become wrinkled. Only with a facial skin care, wrinkles problems can be postponed.

Tips for treating facial

1. Do not be too harsh and too frequent washing your face. If too often cleaned, moisture is lost.

2. Stop smoking. In addition smoking is not good for health, smoking can also help accelerate the emergence of wrinkles on the face, especially in rural corner of her eye.

3. Maintain weight. In order to not face instant wrinkles, start to maintain body weight.

4. Too much can lead to the appearance of frown turns out wrinkles early. Begin to smile more.

5. Eating nutritious foods can help prevent wrinkles found on the face.

6. Avoid direct sunlight on your face. Protect the face with an umbrella or a hat. Or could with sunglasses. But do not arbitrarily choose the glasses that can absorb the heat it will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles.

READ MORE - Old Man's Face Quick order

Beware Alcohol Can Cause Psoriasis!

various skin diseases can affect anyone, ranging from mild eczema, psoriasis, leprosy until the considered rare and hard to hide. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that the prevalence of psoriasis is about 1-3 percent of the total population of the Earth.

United States Federation of Health estimates the number of patients with psoriasis in the land of Uncle Sam's reach five million people today. Meanwhile, British health ministry said that around 1.5 million people carry these chronic diseases. But in Indonesia there is no data on psoriasis patients accurately. This skin disease is not known to the public.

Usually characterized by a skin growth that is faster than the hereditary / descent or genetic.

The disease is gone-arising, can appear in a long time, and could be in remission (a period in which no abnormalities were found on the skin of patients). This disease is not contagious. However, can appear anywhere on the body.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin inflammation, and recurrent. Although not the deadly disease, psoriasis can be serious and dangerous disease if complications occur. If allowed, the disease can cause life-threatening metabolic syndrome. Cholesterol disorders, heart and blood pressure increase is a disease often found in patients with psoriasis. This disease tends more and more widespread and severe. In addition the patient also has a high risk of experiencing coronary heart disease. Therefore, this disease must be handled properly.

Factors Causes and Symptoms

Unlike normal skin changes that usually lasts for 3-4 weeks, psoriasis happens rapidly, which is around 2-4 days. This disease can strike all ages, from children to adults.

Some research shows that one cause of psoriasis is a disorder of the immune system known as autoimmune disease. This means that the immune system or the immune system to attack or damage the body's own tissues. Being attacked is their own skin cells, so there is psoriasis.

In addition, psoriasis can be initiated by environmental factors. Unhealthy lifestyles, such as excessive alcohol consumption, and high levels of stress can also ignite and aggravate psoriasis.

Symptoms usually a red dot an increasingly broad and covered with white scales in layers. Generally this excess skin layer does not always grow in all parts of the body skin.

Although can occur throughout the body, usually the most frequently found in the head area, so as to resemble dandruff, and areas that are outside of the extensor or curved direction as elbows, knees, and buttocks. Can also occur on the face, palms, soles of the feet and even got hit on the genitals, "the light of this dermatologist.

In addition, psoriasis can also attack the nail. If attacking the nails, you will see small holes or pits nail in one part of the nail. And brittle nails would not like a normal nail.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis can be established from the anamnesis, clinical, and histopathological examination. "To know more certainly, can by biopsy or minor surgery to retrieve some of her skin and examined under a microscope," explained Dr. Susie. Investigations shall be conducted to check whether or not patients suffering from psoriasis skin.

Once again, the skin of psoriasis is not life threatening. But oral medications are not controlled by physicians may cause damage to internal organs. And this is what could endanger the lives of sufferers. This disease can not be eliminated or almost completely cured. But with appropriate treatment and by avoiding the factors originators, the disease can be controlled well enough to get a period of remission and relapse can prolong the distance.

But psoriasis is aimed at reducing the severity and prevent the spread of skin disorders. Selection of treatment depends on the degree of severity, accompanying diseases, and patient expectations. Patients need to be explained about the purpose of treatment of psoriasis and healing a realistic expectation that psoriasis may be a relapse.

Psoriasis treatment is applied gradually, carefully by a physician to determine the type of psoriasis, the vast area affected, and the degree of severity of disease. The goal is to inhibit the growth of excessive skin cell so that the symptoms may be missing or corrupted.

There are several treatment steps which are topical medications or topical medicine directly on the skin.

Can also with ultraviolet radiation therapy and drugs, especially in more severe cases or severe.

READ MORE - Beware Alcohol Can Cause Psoriasis!

Coffee, Tea Not Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Coffee and tea consumption did not increase breast cancer risk, according to media reports Tuesday, citing the study for a decade.

In many women's groups, with 22 years of follow-up, we did not see the relationship between consumption of coffee (both caffeinated or de-caffeine) and tea and risk of breast cancer.

coffee tea and caffeine among 85 987 women who participated in the Study of Health Care and aged between 30 and 55 years old at the beginning of the study.

Over the next 22 years, 5272 women developed breast cancer.

The researchers found no increased risk of breast cancer among women who reported they drank four cups of tea or coffee more caffeinated and non-caffeine, compared with those who drank less than one glass per day.

The external factors are taken into account include age, family history, body weight, smoking status, physical activities, alcohol consumption, number of children, history of hormone therapy.

Research also shows there is no relationship between consumption of caffeinated drinks and other chocolate and breast cancer.

When the researchers further assessed breast cancer risk among women, they found a decreased risk associated with caffeine consumption peak condition at least.

READ MORE - Coffee, Tea Not Raise Breast Cancer Risk

The Fresh Fruit and Melon Many Usefulness

Melon is a fruit that is very easily found in traditional markets and supermarkets. It feels fresh and not too sweet, yellow and white mostly, the price is cheap.

But more important than just a sweet taste, the fruit contains a lot of water, besides containing various vitamins, as well as the super rich in minerals, like potassium and zinc, resulting in many properties that are beneficial for the body.

The advantages that are not owned by another fruit that is about 95% meat melons contain water, thus giving a sense of cool and soothing effect, because that's a melon can ease heartburn and clean the kidneys from the remnants of metabolism.

Melon is rich in Vitamin A, B and C and also contains protein, calcium and phosphorus. Mineral content in melon able to remove the acidity of the body which need to be eliminated because it can interfere with digestion, especially in the stomach and also has the function of organs to cure constipation.

Nutritional content of melon fruit was 15.00 mg calcium, 25.00 mg of phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, 34 mg vitamin C, 640 mg IU Vitamin A; and 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine so as to stop the clotting of blood cells that can trigger a stroke or heart disease. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content of melon rate may prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer because it is the main compound in cancer attacker.

Melon has a very good diuretic power so that it can cure kidney disease and severe disease and acute eczema. If combined with lemon, melon can suppress the disease gout. So you should consume a melon once-daily routine in the morning.

Upshot melon for the health benefits of our bodies, namely:

* Prevention of cancer
* Assist the sewage system by preventing constipation.
*Lowering the risk of attack heart disease and stroke.
* Prevents blood clots.
* Lowers the risk of kidney disease.
* Healing eczema disease.
* Prevent and cure heartburn.

READ MORE - The Fresh Fruit and Melon Many Usefulness

Pure Milk Healthy and Beneficial

Everyone was very nice to understand the properties of milk for dairy products body. problem will lose nutritional value when processed into after pasteurized. Pasteurization is a bacteria - bacteria from milk lost but also reduces levels of dairy content itself, such as vitamin D and calcium. As a result of this research, people are encouraged to return to drinking whole milk. Pure milk demand is increasing, especially in the U.S. today, where there is an increase of 12 milking to 23 within two years.

While the Ministry of Food in the U.S. warn that whole milk will make a disease caused by bacteria while it was good to drink whole milk because it contains good bacteria and enzymes, and pure fat increase body immunity and digestion.

Many scientists have reported that pure milk to improve health, according to research from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Basel in Switzerland found that children who drink whole milk free from asthma and allergies.

In the U.S. this pure milk can be consumed in 28 states but only eight states allow to be sold in stores. Consequently, many people set up associations who buy pure milk from the farm directly.

Several studies in the Netherlands say, women who consumed three glasses of milk a day it would be better bone mass compared with non-menopausal women who drank milk since childhood who drink milk have stronger bones.

READ MORE - Pure Milk Healthy and Beneficial

Also Eye Care Need

The eye is one of the most important organs we have, but still many people who often ignore the health of our vision organs. Here are six steps that we can do to keep both eyes receive the best care.

1. Routine eye examination.
The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends to us aged 20-64 years in order to have a proactive actions examined by eye to the optometrist or ophthalmologist regularly every one or two years. This is done as a precautionary measure so that the identification of problems can be done before everything gets worse.

2. Avoid tension in the eye.
At the moment we are looking at a computer screen, television, reading books, or other activity that requires the eye to focus on objects at close range and in a long time, will cause our eyes tired and strained. The danger again, it turns out this condition can also affect our overall health, such as neck pain, headaches or blurred vision. To prevent it, give our eyes a break by looking at the most distant objects that are over 5 minutes. In addition, provide a "lubricant" when dry or irritated eyes.

3. Protect your eyes from the sun.
Dangerous sunlight can penetrate the retina we who later became the cause of the development of cataracts and macular degeneration (a disease in which the central visual acuity susceptible to interference, or obscure). Therefore, make sure we always use sunglasses that have 100% UV protection while outside the room. Using a hat with a large cap with sunglasses is a powerful weapon to protect our eyes from harmful sun exposure.

4. Stop smoking.
For those of us that are still difficult to leave the ability to suck nicotine, here's another reason why we should live free of cigarettes. Studies show smoking triggers damage to blood vessels and eliminate oxygen in the eye tissue that trigger an increased risk of various diseases of the eye.

5. Appropriate intake for the eyes.
Eating vegetables and fruits are green and orange, like carrots and cabbage, also will help protect the health of our eyes. Rich content of lutein and zeaxanthin in the carrots and cabbage are protective antioxidants good eye.

6. Wise in using a contact lens.
Avoid using contact lens when the eye is irritated, because it can lead to corneal ulcers or wounds on the cornea. Make sure we also do maintenance of good contact lens by cleaning it regularly. A bad idea if we tried to stall the use of contact lens that has been "expired". Wear contact lens in accordance with the recommended long. Also recommended that we not use a contact lens too often, better use glasses that can make you look stylish and give the eye a short break.

READ MORE - Also Eye Care Need

Importance of Hand Washing To Survival

Currently, the effort to create a healthier generation of Indonesia still needs the attention of all parties. One of the indicators commonly used to see the degree of public health is a Childhood mortality (Red Sea) or the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).

Red Sea, totaling 31.04 / 1000 live births. This means there are 31.04 for every 1,000 babies died in childbirth. The figure was still higher than Malaysia and Singapore, each of which amounted to 16.39 / 1,000 and 2.3 / 1000 live births.

Whereas, in accordance with the target of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 points, namely in 2015 Indonesia must be able to reduce infant mortality to 17/1000 live births. These data illustrate that the effort to build and maintain healthy Indonesian children is still a big challenge for all concerned.

In addition, there are some diseases that are still often infects children, and even cause death, such as diarrhea. According to note the World Health Organization (WHO), diarrhea kills 1.5 million children in the world every year. While the incidence of diarrhea in most of Indonesia is still high.

In Indonesia, according to the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007, diarrhea leading cause of death 31.4 percent of infants aged 29 days to 11 months. Approximately 162 thousand children under five die from diarrhea each year, or about 460 children per day.

From the Household Health Survey (SKRT) in Indonesia, diarrhea is the leading cause of death in children under five years the number two and number three for the baby as well as the number five for all ages. Every child in Indonesia is experiencing diarrhea episodes 1.6 - 2 times per year.

Efforts to maintain the survival of Indonesian children, including prevention of diarrhea, worms and other diseases, should focus on preventive measures (prevention). Preventive actions can be performed by civilizing clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) in each family, which is the easiest and cheapest way.

PHBS such as washing hands with soap (washing hands) has been medically proven to be effective in preventing and fortify the body from various diseases such as diarrhea, intestinal worms, until the bird flu and swine influenza (swine flu). According to WHO studies, washing hands using soap can reduce the incidence of the disease until the 47th cent.

READ MORE - Importance of Hand Washing To Survival

Fried chicken, Diets Biggest Temptation Miranda Kerr

Undergo a strict diet, a world-class supermodel was sometimes have to pamper yourself once in a while. Of course, by eating meals outside the menu of his diet. As experienced by Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr.

When faced with a piece of fried chicken in front of him, Orlando Bloom's girlfriend was not strong enough to resist.

27-year-old model was confirmed, the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is Everything that is not excessive.

Miranda, who diligently train the body through yoga, recently showed that eating healthy is not something that should he coached. Parties, to enjoy eating, Miranda often meet with a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.

READ MORE - Fried chicken, Diets Biggest Temptation Miranda Kerr

Soundness of Tomato Fruit

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Benefits of tomatoes is already in rigorous long ago, some researchers found that tomatoes can treat gastrointestinal disturbance, diarrhea, restore liver function and gall attacks. It also found that the gel that envelops a yellow tomato seeds can prevent clotting and blood clots causing strokes and heart disease. Tomatoes also able to restore impotency and increase the number of sperm and increase the agility of movement.

Functions is the height of tomato lycopene. In addition to providing the red color in tomatoes, lycopene proved effective as antioxidants. Lycopene can also reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, stomach, throat and colon. The content of chlorogenic acid, and p-kumarat acid in tomatoes can weaken the cancer-causing nitrosamines substances. Vitamin A is contained in tomatoes is very good for eye health.

Tomatoes are also widely used in the beauty industry, a lot of masks and anti-aging pill is made from tomatoes. Not without reason, pigment lycopene was shown to be effective as an antioxidant. Other substances such as tomatoes tomatin in nature as antiinflammatory, that can heal wounds and acne. If you have a fever, tomato also has antipyretic properties alias lowering fever. While high fiber in tomatoes could overcome digestive disturbance such as constipation and hemorrhoids.

Better cooked

Consuming tomatoes should be cooked first. As revealed from the study of world food agency FAO-WHO. Results of research of this institution indicate if lycopene is not damaged and the amount is not much change during heating. Even the content of lycopene would be increased 10-fold when the tomatoes are processed into pasta sauce or tomato.

Lycopene is part of the fat-soluble carotenoids, but lycopene is soluble in fat can be difficult in the absorption by the body. Therefore, the recommended way to process tomatoes in boiled or steamed. Eat a tomato should select organic. Organic tomatoes are healthier because it is free from chemical residues, both of fertilizers and pesticides. Tomatoes from the organic results were also higher content of calcium, about 23 mg compared unorganik tomatoes contain only 5 mg of calcium.

The experts divide the tomatoes into two kinds, namely tomato fruit and vegetables. If the tomato fruit oval shape and thick-skinned. In contrast, tomato vegetable spherical and thin skin. Tomato fruit can be eaten directly, without boiling it first. This type of tomato is more durable, compared to tomato vegetable quickly decay.

But the tomatoes are very useful for our body, such as:

1. Heal bleeding gums. Take fresh tomatoes and wash out, then eat.

2. Overcome a stomach ache. Drink tomato juice after meals.

3. Face smoothing. Apply tomato juice on the face of water.

Whatever the type, tomatoes contain almost the same nutritional elements, ie rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients substances, which all had a very healthy body.

READ MORE - Soundness of Tomato Fruit

Dancing, Toni Braxton Sexy Body Secrets

Body shapes of exotic-skinned singer, Toni Braxton was spelled out fantastic. Though no longer young, when juxtaposed with the row of other young stars, she remains a champion.

Many people know, Braxton is R & B diva with sexy body at the age of 42 years now. Curious to know the secret behind sexy body? Chanter "Unbreak My Heart" this dance routine. In fact, dancing is a great way to always look excellent reliability.

Not surprisingly, the award-winning six Grammy Awards has become one of the dancing fan who aired one of American television stations.

Although dancing spelled success makes energy depleted and the body was flooded with sweat, Braxton confessed keep watching the conditions. Braxton is also hoping to show off skill in singing and dancing in her tour this fall.

READ MORE - Dancing, Toni Braxton Sexy Body Secrets

Prevent Diabetes, 50 Percent Fill dish with vegetables

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Healthy life is not separated from healthy eating patterns. With a balanced nutritional intake, no less and no more, you will have the ideal body.

Ideal body, who did not want it? To get it, you need not fumble the money, but enough with the balanced nutrient intake. Balanced nutrition is needed in addition to health, as well as to address shortage and excess weight to form an ideal body.

Principle planning meal preferably with balanced nutrition. Energy from the carbohydrate composition of 60-70 percent, 10-15 percent protein, and 20-25 percent fat. There are no forbidden foods, but that must be considered is the portion of food should not be exaggerated.

But we certainly know, big-city life makes people hard to adapt a healthy lifestyle. Modern lifestyle may be to blame the spread of various diseases, like diabetes. Lack of exercise, often taking a source of high sugars and fats, eat less fiber, has excessive body weight (obesity), the pattern of overeating, high stress levels, as well as genetic factors is the trigger diabetes, which is now infecting even younger ages.

The trick, fill half the plate with vegetables, a quarter of a carbohydrate, and the remaining quarter with side dishes. Because if we eat foods high in fiber, glycemic load will help you eat will be low.

As is known, foods with high glycemic load should strive to make the pancreas release insulin. Also, if your diet contains more fat or carbohydrates, the excess can not be stored in the gut to digest the stomach wall.

Body fat has a large storage capacity, while carbohydrates do not. So if there is excess carbohydrates, is converted into fat in the stomach. And this will increase the risk of diabetes.

READ MORE - Prevent Diabetes, 50 Percent Fill dish with vegetables

Five Ways Adding Fiber Consumption

Fiber our bodies need to digest and maintain intestinal health. There was no need to eat fiber or mixed in a measured but can be easily inserted in the daily menu. How practical way to consume fiber?

Most common case when the body lacks fiber causes difficulties in defecating. This situation could be if it lasts long enough to trigger the growth of cancer cells in the colon. Fiber helps the intestines work transporting substances that are not needed by the body and also facilitate the circulation of blood.

Actually do not have to bother counting and measuring with the following simple way, the consumption of fiber each day can be improved. Try these five easy ways:

Food labels

When shopping for food or packaging, do not forget to read every existing nutrition info on packaging. Look for products with high fiber content. This can increase your fiber intake each day.

Add Vegetables

Forget the advice of nutrition experts that vegetables should be eaten five times per day. If they can consume as much as possible, especially fiber-rich vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli every time you eat.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

If you eat fruit and vegetables, try the fresh condition and intact for you to obtain the benefits of fiber. Avoid fruit juices or vegetables that reduce the benefits of fiber for the body.

Do not peeled

For fruit and vegetables can be eaten with the skin, do not peel it. Because the majority of vitamins and fiber found in fruit and vegetable skins. If you want to remove deposits of pesticides on the skin, wash with a special solution eliminating pesticides.

Lots of Nuts

Eat more nuts because it is rich in fiber, it's cheap and filling. If they can consume in a state as fresh as possible. If you must eat the canned product, rinse first with water to dissolve sodium content.

READ MORE - Five Ways Adding Fiber Consumption

Keeping Teeth White With Strawberries

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

You're a fan of coffee? Beware teeth become dull. There is a solution to keep your teeth is by bleaching your teeth, but usually pretty draining pockets
Actually, you can also use baking soda, but it felt good baseball. Rather than lost, try diced strawberries. Then, rub the strawberry on the teeth so that seems to glow. Because strawberries contain malic acid which serves to remove surface stains your teeth.

So that maximum results, wait until 20 minutes and then brush your teeth. Good luck!

READ MORE - Keeping Teeth White With Strawberries

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant forms are simpler and less interesting. But make no mistake, it turns out the aloe vera has so many benefits, both for beauty and health.

There are more than 200 types of aloe vera plants, but actually only five species are considered to have health benefits or used for beauty products, namely Aloe barbadensis Miller, Aloe Perryi Baker, Aloe Ferox, Aloe and Aloe Saponaria Arborescens.

Aloe vera plants grow older, the more it will provide benefits for nutrition and medication. Aloe vera gel is often used to treat lacerations, cut, insect bites, and rashes.

Benefits of aloe vera for health, has actually been known since time immemorial. According to historical records indicate the use of aloe vera for treatment of materials have been used since 1500 BC. Aloe vera is also suspected to be a beauty secret ingredient Cloepatra.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice Drink

Extraordinary healing and treatment of these plants, are also useful for beauty. By drinking two to four ounces, or even 1 / 2 cup aloe vera juice every day, will make your skin look clean and improve skin quality.

Aloe vera can enrich the material supply builders, to produce and improve skin health. Naturally, our skin repair itself in every 21 to 28 days. Nutrition formers contained aloe vera, can be used by us to resist the effects of skin aging.

READ MORE - Benefits of Aloe Vera

Lean Recipes Japanese Women

The study mentions, if you want healthy learn from Asia, especially Japanese women. Steal their knowledge how to deal with a variety of foods in a meal.

By applying the recipes lean and youthful style Japanese women like Naomi Moriyama outlined in the book Japanese Women Do not Get Old or Fat, is not impossible that you can have the slim body of Japanese women. Then the formulation of what should be applied? Here are reviews quoted Prevention.

Home food menu

Try Tokyo kitchen dish menu, which presents a lot of fish dishes, vegetables, rice, soy, noodles, tea, and fruit. Everything is processed in a small way. Taste comes from canola oil, onions, carrots, and bokchoy.

Gusto whatever

You can still eat just about anything, as long as in small portions. According to T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University, Asian food is safest to eat when losing weight.

Often exercise

No need to exercise grandiose. Simply by walking as much and as often as possible.

READ MORE - Lean Recipes Japanese Women

Carrots For Skin Rejuvenation

Carrot is a root vegetable plant species which are usually orange or white with a texture similar to wood. Edible part of carrot is the root or roots. Carrots store carbohydrates in large numbers to the flowering plants in the second year. Growing flower stems about 1 m tall, with white flowers.

As we all know the benefits of carrots, among others, good for eye health, lowers blood cholesterol, improving the digestive tract, increase body resistance against infectious diseases, as an anticancer agent, maintaining heart health and lower blood pressure. In addition there are other benefits of carrots which provide protection for our skin against the sun.

Beta-carotene (which determine the nutrients in carrots orange) are formed from a family of nutrients known as 'caro-tenoids'. Beta-carotene has antioxidant role, which means that help neutralize the damaged molecules, known as 'free radicals'. 'Free radicals' playing the role of the sun, because the sun can increase the production of 'free radicals' in the skin. So it is said in theory, the more beta-carotene in the body, the greater the body protected from the dangers of sunburn.

Study suggested that beta-carotene actually had the capacity to offer protection against sunburn. Also according to the research scientists found that eating beta carotene for a few weeks it will be obtained for skin rejuvenation. Since it began to consume carrots regularly so that we will get fresh and glowing skin.

READ MORE - Carrots For Skin Rejuvenation

Different Types of Leather, Different Treatment

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

First step the right skin care is not only clean, most important of it, is to recognize skin types. Because if we use products that do not fit your skin type, not a benefit to be obtained, but a 'disaster'.

basically, to get good results, all skin care products should match the skin type.

First, whether our skin including dry skin, sensitive, normal or oily?

Our skin is relatively dry if ....
After washing the face, the skin feels tight and difficult to make-up applied evenly. The advantage of dry skin is not easy to face breakouts, but it does not mean we become negligent care of the skin.

For treatment, you should clean the face with warm water, no hot water because it will eliminate moisture. Choose cleaning products that include the word 'soap free' on the label. Apply a moisturizer is also a rich moisturizer, and select the mask with cream or balm formula.

Our skin is oily, if ...
Skin becomes oily a few hours after being washed, the base powder quickly fade or change color, appear comedy in the face and pore enlargement occurred.

Caring for oily skin, we recommend washing at least three times a day with antibacterial cleanser to eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

Combination skin if ...
Looks oily in the T area (chin, nose and forehead), while the cheeks were dry and scaly look. Easy pimples and blackheads are formed in the region T.

Effective treatment is to use a cleaning formula that does not remove moisture faces (eg cleansing lotion or cleansing cream). Use alcohol-free toner only on the forehead, nose and chin. Apply a rich moisturizer moisturizer on the cheeks, and oil-free moisturizer in the region T.

Sensitive skin if ...
Tends to wear red if moisturizer that is too hard, easy peeling skin and sometimes the pains arise. Sensitive skin can also be allergic to certain materials, so the selection of products should be kept.
READ MORE - Different Types of Leather, Different Treatment

Healthy With Green Tea

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

If you want to stay young so many things to do, other than acts of plastic surgery that cost is also very expensive and have side effects which you may be scared.

But here are the answers if you want to stay young, healthy and slim. Drink green tea regularly, because green tea as an antioxidant in tea to capture free radicals 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times in the appeal of vitamin E.

With a neutral free radicals, protect organs from damage. So fat and cholesterol does not stick to the blood vessel, blood will flow without any obstacles and keep skin healthy and younger, because it is not damaged by free radicals. Pulp and tea was not dumped, because it can be used as a skin mask.

Medium other uses is that if you gargle with fresh tea after a meal were effective enough to maintain dental health. According to recent research, the tea can aid digestion as well, for good digestion will burn fat effectively. So that content is not lost tea, tea should be drunk immediately, the reason is that the antioxidant content of not much is lost due to air oxidation.

READ MORE - Healthy With Green Tea

Secret Lips Not Broken

Chapped lips definitely make trouble. Identify what is causing and how to overcome them.

Here are three tips recommended by Cosmopolitan, such as:

1. Accustomed to scrubbing with a face scrub on the lips right? It could be this that makes the skin become more dry. Maybe you think it can release the dead skin in areas like the lips on the face, but this is actually an "open" key deeper layers of skin moist lips that are thin.

2. Have selected the right lip balm? Choose which contain petroleum jelly that can help provide protection and moisture with wax formula. Do it every two times a day.

3. Cinnamates containing lipstick formula turns out, which may make the skin become more dry mouth. For a while, choose fragrance free lip gloss that could give lips a fuller effect and plumpy.

READ MORE - Secret Lips Not Broken

Healthy With Organic Food

Foods that are derived from organic materials is very good for child nutrition, as well as medical nutrition, avoidance of elevated levels of cholesterol, uric acid avoid, both for patients with heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes is also good for the stomach because it is also good for gastric absorption.

Our health care is disrupted due to deposition toksin2 normally in our bodies. One of these toxins can be derived from the air around the food we eat foods that may bersal from sources affected by pollution, caused by eating these foods often contain preservatives, dyes, artificial taste, and also an antiseptic which does not stick to the food can be eliminated with a total that could reduce the nutritional food.

When humans eat food with chemicals, the toxins will gradually accumulate in our body system and within a short time to attack the body's cells and immune system, which would strike into the digestive tract such as stomach, colon and other another, then a filtration system such as the liver and kidneys and endocrine system such as the adrenal gland, thyroid gland. All that can weaken our body and can cause body pain.

While organic herbs away from insecticides that can not be decomposed in the body which can harm the human body. Because the basic ingredients that can disrupt the body's metabolism so that becomes toxic.

Begin and start consuming organic foods also keep cleaning, laundering, with the net and you will reduce one of the ingredients that can harm the human body.

Price a bit expensive but your health does not matter right?

READ MORE - Healthy With Organic Food

Skin Care Tips

A woman really needs to keep up appearances at all, sometimes she only noticed the outside only, example: pay attention to clothes and clothes that will be used, whether appropriate or not trendy?

But know beauty and skin hygiene is needed because it is an asset that will not fade and age, skin care should always be done, as we noticed the appearance of the dress each month, year and time we always follow it, we also must consider each when the cleanliness of our skin.

Basically, increasing age, the skin elasticity we shall be loosened, and the pores of the skin will grow large, the skin looks dull and become older. And will look at all of the face, hands and neck.

Below are tips on daily skin care we should do on a regular basis and we should do and notice:

1. Do not forget to clean the face, such as washing her face according to skin type. If oily skin wear containing almonds and avocados, while dry skin types, please use soap containing honey to damp skin look, and if the normal type can use the content or green tea tea. If the face contains the type of detergent soap scrub, do not wear every day but wear two times a week because the skin will quickly become dry and irritation.

Do wash your face every day at least two times a day. With skin wash will avoid acne and skin will be more fresh and chewy.

2. The second step is do not forget to shower at least two times a day, do it with the whole body, including shoulders back, the neck both front and rear areas, and the groin area and up to go to the toes and fingers.

Maybe sometimes we forget when we showered quickly finish our bathroom and in a hurry without considering the body parts we need to clean, and bath time that we can clean our bodies overall totals, even in the bath with aromatherapy, we can eliminate fatigue and the body and mind are relaxed.

3. The third step do not forget if you are traveling out of the room either office or field. Meanwhile, if the subjects do not forget to wear air-conditioning or moisturizing lotion to avoid dryness so quick to wrinkles because the skin dry.

4. The latter do not forget to pay attention to food and beverages consumed each day, nutritious and high in fiber and contain fluids and minerals.

READ MORE - Skin Care Tips

5 Steps Get Healthy Nails

Important to keep your nails stay neat and clean appearance. With a simple manner in the overall appearance of this stunning you will give a bad value if not treated.

Nails are made of protein called keratin. When cells in the nail continues to grow, keratin pushed out from the fingertips to form a hard and long nails.

Alert to the conditions unusual nail color, warts, or bruises that may require immediate attention. Healthy nails need the effort and can not be achieved just by simply nail products. Here are the steps as follows.

Step 1

Massage each toe for one minute with almond oil daily. Almond oil to protect nails and moisturizes cuticles to prevent warts. This important step to protect the nail from the cuticle and bacterial infections.

Step 2

Use rubber gloves when cleaning your nails. Therefore, chemicals in cleaning products can make the nails blunt, thin, and slow growing.

Step 3

Consumption of foods with a balanced diet for good nutrition and add a multivitamin daily. Excessive alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and processed junk food can make the nails are not healthy.

Step 4

Do not use nails as a working tool, such as to open a letter or withdraw from a paper clip. This causes injury to the nail.

Step 5

Soak nails in warm water for several minutes before cutting. The goal, soften nails making them easier to cut.

READ MORE - 5 Steps Get Healthy Nails

Need A Woman To Skin Care?

Behold the beauty of a woman who radiates from the skin radiant, clean and healthy.

Starting from a traditional herbal skin care is because the skin can become better human beings if it continues to be treated early, because with scrub dead cells can be separated so that the regeneration of new skin cells to grow well in order to avoid premature aging, dry and scaly .

Basically, skin consists of layers and when we showered the dirt stuck to the skin would be separated from the layers above, but there are cases where the dirt attached can not be discharged only when the bath with soap, especially in certain sections and it will accumulate and will prevent the skin cells degenerate very well.

To clean and remove it is by using a scrub, scrub where the granules contained in the scrub will remove dead cells so the skin will be degenerate with a good depth to avoid premature aging skin, dry and scaly, while also benefit from these scrubs make the skin more fragrant and fresh.

READ MORE - Need A Woman To Skin Care?


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