Healthy Skin Shines With Mango Masks

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Mango is not only good to eat, but also useful to protect skin from free radical thanks to the high content of beta-carotene, which is then converted by the body into vitamin A.

Please note, vitamin A is a substance essential to get beautiful skin is perfect. Want to try this delicious fruit in your skin?

First, prepare the necessary materials:

1 / 4 fresh ripe mangoes
2 tsp almond
2 tsp oatmeal
2 tsp whipping cream

Enter the almonds and oatmeal in a blender or food processor, and puree until evenly mixed. Peel the mangoes, cut into two pieces, cut into four and add to the oatmeal mixture and almonds, blend until smooth.

Add whipping cream, and blend again for a few minutes, or until the mixture is smooth.

Mango masks was ready to use! Apply the mask to the face that has been cleaned, let stand for 15 minutes until dry. Then rinse with warm water.

You can save the rest of the mask in a sealed container, then put in the fridge. Use mango mask for the face at least once a week healthy, beautiful and shining.

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