Carrot is a root vegetable plant species which are usually orange or white with a texture similar to wood. Edible part of carrot is the root or roots. Carrots store carbohydrates in large numbers to the flowering plants in the second year. Growing flower stems about 1 m tall, with white flowers.
As we all know the benefits of carrots, among others, good for eye health, lowers blood cholesterol, improving the digestive tract, increase body resistance against infectious diseases, as an anticancer agent, maintaining heart health and lower blood pressure. In addition there are other benefits of carrots which provide protection for our skin against the sun.
Beta-carotene (which determine the nutrients in carrots orange) are formed from a family of nutrients known as 'caro-tenoids'. Beta-carotene has antioxidant role, which means that help neutralize the damaged molecules, known as 'free radicals'. 'Free radicals' playing the role of the sun, because the sun can increase the production of 'free radicals' in the skin. So it is said in theory, the more beta-carotene in the body, the greater the body protected from the dangers of sunburn.
Study suggested that beta-carotene actually had the capacity to offer protection against sunburn. Also according to the research scientists found that eating beta carotene for a few weeks it will be obtained for skin rejuvenation. Since it began to consume carrots regularly so that we will get fresh and glowing skin.
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