Benefits of Bananas

Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

[Bananas photo]

Banana is a fruit that is easy to find in Indonesia. In addition, the price is also relatively cheap compared with other fruit. However, you might not suspect that the banana fruit as simple as it has a myriad of benefits, ranging from cardiovascular protection, maintaining eye health, bone repair, and to prevent kidney cancer.

Cardiovascular Protection

Banana is one of the best sources for potassium, which is important minerals that maintain normal blood pressure and heart function. On average, which consists of bananas 467 mg of potassium and 1 mg sodium, can help prevent high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Foods with high fiber, such as bananas, helps heart disease. Research over 19 years shows that people who eat lots of fiber, about 21 grams per day, has 12% fewer coronary heart disease, and 11% fewer cardiovascular disease compared with those consuming little fiber (5 grams per day).

Maintain Eye Health

As a child, your parents must have told to eat carrots so many eyes remain good. However, as adults, it seems more important fruits in maintaining eye health. The study consisted of 100 000 participants who were asked to consume fruits, vegetables, antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, and carotenoids to evaluate the formation of eye diseases ARMD, showed that consumption of vegetables, antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids are not related to the disease. Meanwhile, consumption of fruit showed protection against this acute eye disease.

Bone repair

Eating bananas regularly will help your body absorb calcium better. Bananas contain a lot fruktooligosakarida, which is a prebiotic or bacteria that are good for your colon. These bacteria produce enzymes and vitamins that increase the absorption capacity of nutrients and microorganisms to protect against evil. Body's ability to absorb calcium is also getting better, so good for the bones. In addition, the risk of colon cancer was also reduced.

Healthy Kidney

Research from the International Journal of Cancer shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, regularly and are able to protect the body. 13.4 years with a study population consisting of 61.000 women aged 40-76 showed that women who ate more than 75 fruits and vegetables per month (or 2.5 per day) cut the risk of kidney cancer as much as 40%. Among other fruits, banana the most protective.

Some Tips

● Eat a banana while the fruit really ripe, because the more mature fruit, the higher the antioxidant levels.

● If you want to speed up the process of cooked, then place the bananas in a paper bag or wrap it with newspaper

● In addition to regular or be eaten salads, sandwiches or crepes with bananas and honey peanut butter is also a delicious meal. In addition, you can also menghidangkannya way cut and inserted into your breakfast oatmeal.
READ MORE - Benefits of Bananas

Good Afternoon Sleep To Heart

[Sleep photo]

As a child, parents often tell us to take a nap, but then we were enjoying playing with friends. Quite often, we are often annoyed and wondering, why should nap?

Advice turned out for a nap is good for heart health. The person making the Mediterranean region as a tradition of siesta. This tradition is proven to reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

People who nap at risk of dying from heart disease 34 percent lower. If the frequency nap more then the risk of death would be lower, especially for male workers.

Apart from a nap, eat plenty of vegetables in a high number is good for your heart.
READ MORE - Good Afternoon Sleep To Heart

Benefit Strawberries

[strawberries photo]

Fruit is a trend to be made into juice today, so many benefits for your health.

With beautiful shapes and colors are red, the fruit that comes from North America contains high levels of vitamin C. Red color due to the strawberry fruit is rich in color pigment anthocyanin, and contains high antioxidants. For health we can eat this fruit is in a state that is still fresh.

Nutrient content and nutrients in strawberries:

        - Contain carbohydrates, vit. A and C

        - Ellagic acid

        - Rich pottasium

        - High in iron

        - Contains calcium and phosphorus

        - Containing boron

B Various properties of strawberries:

        - A and C in strawberries is important to maintain immunity, Vit. C useful for growing children.

        - Elagic acid in this fruit may help knock out the active labor cancer

        - Calcium Content and Phosfor for maintaining strong bones and teeth, as well as

        - Helpful whiten teeth. Reduce the risk of brittle bones

        - Helps restore normal kidney function. Pottasium strawberries good for healing in the kidney.
        - Strawberries able to shrink the cholesterol content

        - Leaves of strawberry is also nutritious because it has astringent substance.
           Three to four cups of water to the stew strawberry leaves per day, can effectively stop the attacks                   of diarrhea.

        - Strawberry juice is useful for cooling, reducing fever.

        - Strawberries can prevent the symptoms of stroke
READ MORE - Benefit Strawberries

Fit With Vitamin C

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

[Vitamin C photo]

Many people only know that vitamin C is only useful for healing canker sores alone. Vitamin C possessed far more function not only just healing sores.

Vitamin C is necessary to maintain the structure of collagen, a protein, which connects all fiber network, skin, tendons, cartilage, and other tissues of human body.

Vitamin C itself belong to this class of antioxidants because it is very easily oxidized by heat, light, and metal. Therefore the use of vitamin C as antioxidants increasingly common. Vitamin C is proven correlation with one's body resistance. If we're talking about a person's body resistance means that we talk about how the process of antibody reactions in the body of the person.

Actually, the minimum daily requirement of vitamin C is 60 mg for the activity of cell metabolism. But for the requirement of vitamin C, which provides anti-oxidant effect and the effect of increasing the optimal endurance required minimum of 500 mg per day for adults. Limits intake of vitamin C is up to 2000 mg per day with no records of such individuals with gastrointestinal problems or no gastric irritation.

The most safe intake is between 500 mg and 1000 mg respectively. The main source of vitamin C certainly is orange. Because vitamin C is the name itself comes from the word meaning orange citrus. Apart from various citrus fruits such as apples, papayas, strawberries, bananas and pineapple, also contain vitamin C. Likewise with vegetables such as tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage and potatoes, also contain vitamin C.

View free radical factors today that seemed to destroy the human immune system such as pollution and so forth. It is recommended that each person meets the minimum intake of 500 mg vitamin C per day to keep your body stay fit endurance. And to improve endurance and vitality of a person's body can be maintained.

In young children is very important because the activity is very active if less vitamin C it is very easy to sick children. Vitamin C in children is needed is 80-100 mg per day. School children are not required to so easily hurt and remains active in the period of growth. For school-age children, so increasing the concentration of study.

So important to intake of vitamin C both in older people, adults and also in children.
READ MORE - Fit With Vitamin C

Beware of Caffeine Poisoning

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

[Caffeine photo]

Caffeine had a substance that causes many benefits such as pressing sleepiness, reduce boredom, increase the spirit at work, and increase alertness. Thus, both caffeine consumption.

However, caffeine functions are often misused. Even consumed in excess. Though caffeine is a chemical that has powerful effects in some systems of the body, so it needs special attention. Thus, consumption of caffeinated beverages is a good idea should be limited.

Caffeine is a type of alkaloid that is naturally present in coffee beans, tea leaves, and some beverages.

Caffeine works on the central nervous system, muscle (including cardiac muscle), and kidney. Effect on central nervous system, especially in centers higher yield increased mental activity, and stay awake or wake up.

Caffeine to improve performance and results of work of muscles, stimulate the respiratory center, increasing the speed and depth of breathing. Caffeine can also cause a mild addictive.

Impact of Caffeine Bad

Despite of several studies found that caffeine has a good function for the body, but in fact this substance can also cause negative impacts to the body.

Moreover, the workings of one mind is caffeine triggers a chemical response to stress bodies. Caffeine makes certain parts of the brain becomes very active, and even making it overactive, while other parts of the brain that become no active.

If you want a maximum of 100 mg per day, could have benefited. But if more than 300 mg per day, could be poisoned. So one cup contains 100 mg of caffeine.

In the body, caffeine is absorbed by the stomach, metabolized in the liver, and disposed of the body for 20-10 hours. Generally, smokers have a faster metabolism of caffeine than those who were nonsmokers.

While in pregnant women, the metabolism of caffeine last longer. That's why pregnant women are advised to avoid caffeine for longer. That's why pregnant women are advised to avoid the caffeine because it will cause baby to be disabled.

Likewise with the consumption of other energy drinks. People may be attracted to his name and taking it to generate power. But should note that unlike energy drinks beverages energy sources.

Caffeine can cause a mild addictive. People who drink coffee will have a headache in the morning, or after approximately 12-16 hours from the last time coffee drinkers.

For people who drank coffee daily more than five cups, the risk of addiction increased 60-120% compared with people who do not drink coffee.

Caffeine poisoning symptoms. Caffeine can trigger addictive. Excessive consumption or because the condition of the body that is sensitive to caffeine can lead to poisoning.

If you experience headaches, muscle tension, can not sleep, and panic after a cup of coffee, it means that your caffeine poisoning. Symptoms can occur 12-24 hours after consuming caffeine, even up to 48 hours.

People affected by heart disease has the effect of heavier again, that could make quick rhythmic heart. And that could be dangerous. Effect that appears depends on each person's condition.

Conditions like this usually do not last long. Because once the caffeine out toxins from the body through metabolism, body condition will get better by itself.

Therefore, if you experience symptoms such as those mentioned above, how good you consume lots of water in order to expedite the process of metabolism.

Caffeine is actually quickly removed by drinking water that much and will be issued through the urinary tract.

Good solution, namely to reduce caffeine intake. Not only reduce consumption of coffee, but also chocolate, tea, soda and even some medications that contain caffeine and can cause you to fatigue without you realize the cause.
READ MORE - Beware of Caffeine Poisoning

End Stage After Achieving Ideal Body Weight

[Ideal Body photo]

Some people have managed to achieve ideal weight. But to get into shape, everyone should be doing long struggle, many months trying to lose weight by strict dieting, exercise and a half to death. After successfully achieve ideal body weight, what to do now?

There are two things that must be considered when we were already at your ideal weight. First, measure the fat content, if it's ideal or not. Outlined the ideal range for men is 10 up to 15 per cent, while for women 15 to 20 cent.

If the fat content is outside the ideal range, means we must try (harder) to reduce levels of fat, add muscle mass so that we remain an ideal weight.

Denny also explain, if we have an ideal body shape, and the fat is in the range ideal, then the body will go into maintenance phases. Namely the phase in which we exercise no longer to find the ideal weight goals, but to maintain their weight ideal.

The question now, what type of exercise are most appropriate for maintaining ideal body weight?

Exercise is recommended to maintain cardiovascular health, a minimum of 30 minutes each day. Able to run, swim, whatever. What is important for cardiovascular health or take our heart. Weight training at least two times a week. Weight training is recommended for everyone because with increasing age. Body muscle mass decreases. Weight training two times a week will help us preserve muscle mass. With so we do not lose power and even doddering age increases.

While stretching or stretching is also needed at least 30 minutes a week.
READ MORE - End Stage After Achieving Ideal Body Weight

Gwyneth Paltrow Macrobiotic Diet

[Gwyneth Paltrow phot0]

To obtain the form of a slim and perfect body, the diet has always been starting the measuring. This mode also conducted the Hollywood celebrity, like the famous actress Gwyneth Paltrow. However, if one applies the diet, not a sexy body to get, you can actually suffer from another disease.

The desire to have stable body weight by running on a strict diet patterns. 37-year-old star was diagnosed the doctor had osteopenia.

Star of "Iron Man" was revealed to the public that she was suffering from brittle bone disease that usually first experienced by seniors (elderly people). The wife of Coldplay frontman Chris Martin's band was calling itself in the early stages of osteopenia.

Brittle bone disease was detected after a few years ago he was known to have cracks in one part of the leg bone of the most widely accepted because of pressure to hold weight.

In its website, Gwyneth had time to write, according to physician examination results, levels of vitamin D in the body is the lowest ever seen.

With this condition, the doctors moved quickly prescribe high doses of vitamin D, and advocate for frequent Gwyneth bask in the sun.

Because insisted want to get back healthy as before, since that time he also changed his diet to more healthy patterns. Finally, star of "Shakespeare In Love" This Macrobiotic diet.

This strict diet only allows a person to consume lots of fruit, wheat, and vegetables and some fish. He also claim to avoid the consumption of red meat, milk and other processed product.

Osteopenia is a yellow light or a warning so you can lead a healthy lifestyle. When you have a habit of smoking, immediately stop the habit. Make sure you take the time to exercise, get calcium and vitamin D intake is adequate and stay away from alcohol and caffeine.

Daily calcium requirement for adults is 1000 mg to 1200 mg. Along with the development of times, it is not easy to meet calcium needs enough. While osteoporosis itself can be caused by deficiencies of calcium and physical exercises that are too much.
READ MORE - Gwyneth Paltrow Macrobiotic Diet

Healthy Heart, Choose Margarine instead of butter

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

[Margarine photo]

You are still confused by the difference of butter and margarine? Investigate the characteristics of each body will save you from the heaps of bad cholesterol.
Margarine fat content less than butter, margarine, so for the dieter is more frequently used. There is also a low-calorie margarine that contains far less fat.
Margarine contains at least 80 percent of the total weight of fat, about 17-18 per cent consisted of skim milk derivatives, water, or liquid soy proteins, and the remainder (approximately 1-3 percent) is added as a flavor of salt, though some margarine products are not put salt on labels for health reasons.
Margarine different from butter. Butter comes from animal fats, while margarine from plant fat. Usually, butter fat contains more saturated fats or saturated (for 66 percent) than fat or unsaturated fats unsaturated (34 percent). For some people, shunned because of saturated fats affect high cholesterol in the body.
Margarine healthier. Studies involving more than 70 000 people are clearly showing the benefits of margarine products to lower cholesterol than butter.
Many population studies in the diets of thousands of people also showed that consumption of margarine gives better results than the consumption of butter. To improve the quality of health, you should limit saturated fat and cholesterol intake by choosing foods such as margarine.
Besides watching the womb, between butter and margarine also need a different treatment in terms of storage. Usually, margarine should be stored in the refrigerator. If only stored at room temperature, easily melted margarine because of base ingredients are just cream and salt.
Trans fats are often found in pure butter because butter comes from animal products, while margarine from a variety of oils, like canola oil, olive oil, and so forth. The problem is the way storage. At room temperature, margarine tends to be rather thin.
READ MORE - Healthy Heart, Choose Margarine instead of butter

New Benefit A cup of coffee

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

[coffee photo]

Many people avoid drinking coffee because it is dangerous for the health of the body. Whereas in a cup of coffee there are also other benefits that many people do not know.

After Kiva Han, the first coffee shop opened in Turkey in 1445, is now a similar shop grow like mushrooms in the rainy season. Every mall, businesses, and even educational institutes in the country to find the cafes that serve the coffee. This phenomenon is not confined to Indonesia but the world! Imagine a day in humans on this planet to spend 1.5 billion cups of coffee each day.

Most people think coffee is a drink that could bring disaster in the days ahead. Can cause high blood pressure, heart, stomach ulcers, and even drink coffee myth will make intelligence capabilities down.

However, some recent research found that coffee, there were also benefited.

In a cup of coffee, there is a chemical compound called caffeine. These substances that cause heart pounding faster, excessive anxiety, and shaking hands. Depending on the sensitivity of each person. Some new drink some already feel it, there's a new drinking glasses bergelas feel it.

Sonia adds, some studies conducted by researchers from the United States has found that coffee can prevent Alzeimer disease, Parkinson's, liver cirrhosis, gallstones, and serves to defuse the time headaches. Coffee contains tannin and antioxidants, which is quite good for the heart and blood vessels. Drinking coffee also may reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (which usually occurs in the age after 50 years, symptoms are muscle stiffness, trembling hands and legs, the movement is so slow / can not be fast, some experience symptoms of imbalance and disorder of communication such as writing, speech and expression face), and protect the nerve cells.

Antioxidants found in coffee that protects our body from free radical attack. Antioxidants in coffee behave the same as those found in tea and red wine. This substance will minimize, or even prevent damage to the molecules in the cells of the human body.

Choose the decaf coffee, because it tastes good and antioxidant levels are also quite a lot, almost the same as regular coffee. In addition, avoid coffee also in pregnant women, persons suffering from heart disease, and people who have the disorder or gastric ulcer.
READ MORE - New Benefit A cup of coffee

Prevent Diabetes With Milk

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

[Milk photo]

This conclusion was drawn from 10 years to a study of 3000 respondents. They were then divided into two groups. First is the group who consumed various types of dairy products and the second group did not consume dairy at all. The result, the first group to have insulin resistance 70 percent lower.

What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition in which decreased insulin sensitivity and makes our blood sugar levels are not balanced or excess blood sugar. Generally the obese or overweight, characterized by increased insulin resistance.

Protein in milk will help keep your immune. While the fat content will also make us feel satisfied. Enjoy also the other nutrients from dairy products is also useful, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Let prevent diabetes by:
One. Consuming two servings of low-fat milk every day. Each portion will deduct the excess insuli resistance up to 20%.

2. Do exchange. Choose dairy products, rather than high carb snacks and low in fiber, such as soft drinks, candy, or fast food.

3. Accompany the milk with fruit, vegetables and whole wheat. We can add fresh fruit pieces in yogurt for breakfast. Or low-fat cheese melt on top of whole wheat bread.
READ MORE - Prevent Diabetes With Milk

Come Tube Calcium since Early

[cheese photo]

Osteoporosis is common in those who are elderly. However, we recommend an early age you start to anticipate it by consuming enough calcium.

Bone is useful to protect organs in the body. Bone name "woven" is taken from forms such as woven, until after the birth of bone called "lamellar". The bones begin to grow since the womb. When a baby is born, the number of bones is 350 units. But as adults, the amount of bone has been reduced to 206 units.
Because there are bones that connect to one another, forming a stronger bone.
Can be imagined if the body has no bones, just a pile of meat in the human body.

Bone consists of hard substances such as stone, namely calcium. But unlike the dead stone, bone, life, flexible, and grow. After the child is born, the process of bone growth influenced the growth hormone and calcium.

Calcium is a mineral that most numerous in the body, which is around 1.5 to 2 percent of adult body weight or approximately as much as 1 kg, and about 99 percent of the calcium present in hard tissues of the bones and teeth. Calcium is needed of all ages. Not just for the elderly, but also at the age of the children. In children, it is very high calcium needs. "The growth of bone in children occur from zero to 18 years, but the peak of physical growth of children occurs when a child of school age, which is around 8-15 years.

Bones continue to grow and reached a peak in adult time. However, gender differences also play a role in the formation of bone mass. In young women shorter span of time of growth, ie before menstruation, while for boys a longer period of growth.

Girls who grow up, accommodating more bone mass at the inner cortex, which supports trabecular, forming a debriefing of calcium as inventory when pregnant and breastfeeding.

Whereas in boys, more bone mass collected on the outer cortex. The bigger the diameter, then the bones are also stronger.

In this growth process, also occurred compaction process of the bone, where bone compaction process depends on normal levels of reproductive hormones, beta exposure to ultraviolet (UVB) short of the morning and afternoon sun (Vitamin D), calcium intake, vitamin K, the sport at the age of puberty, and lifestyle.

Stimulation can be integrated from the inside that is by ensuring a complete and balanced nutrition properly, especially the intake of calcium to support bone growth and strength. Meanwhile, the stimulation from the outside can be either physical activity or exercise that serves to help bone density. Such as exercising 30 minutes a day for three times a week, like walking or running.
Parental attention and effort are needed, because if malnutrition in this stage will not be irreplaceable. Therefore, calcium is important for future savings from an early age until age 30.

Saving can be done by fulfilling the calcium intake of calcium contained in milk or other supplementary food such as cheese.

Osteoporosis is not a problem child, but a matter of the future, but the root problem is the children. That is why it is important to pay attention to nutrition, especially calcium intake of children so that they avoided the issue of bone density in later old age. So, start to get children to save calcium by eating nutritious foods and adequate calcium intake.
READ MORE - Come Tube Calcium since Early

Red Rice Lower Diabetes Risk

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

[Red Rice photo]

Consumption of brown rice was not only used for weight loss, a new study shows, red rice powerful tool to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Rice is the staple food most Indonesian people. When harvested, the skin is still covered with rice husks (epicarp). Rice is also wrapped by the inner skin or epidermis (aleurone and pericarp). Subsequently harvested rice grain through the stages of drying and threshing, and splitting the skin, and milling.
The rice that we eat everyday or white rice is generally derived from rice that has been milled. Grain milling yield of paddy rice in the net without the epidermis. This makes rice exfoliation become fluffier when cooked, but it eliminates most of the nutrients contained in rice.
Brown rice is generally mixed with crushed or broken skin. This makes the skin red arinya still intact. In the epidermis there is protein, vitamins, minerals, fat, and fiber are very important for the body.
Replacing white rice in your diet with red rice can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This extremely important discovery because the white rice consumption in the United States has increased dramatically in recent decades.
Recorded, approximately 18 million Americans suffer from diabetes type 2. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health states, eating two or more servings of brown rice for a week apparently associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand they reported eating five or more servings of white rice for a week associated with an increased risk of same disease.
Replacing 50 grams per day of white rice (not cooked, the equivalent of one to three tablespoons) with equal amounts of red rice will reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 16 percent.
While replacing white rice with the same portion with other grains such as barley and wheat, is associated with a 36 percent decreased risk of diabetes. This study will be published online in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. The researchers say this is the first study to specifically compare the white rice with brown rice in relation to increased risk of type 2 diabetes in the United States citizens.
White rice husk is made by removing the skin and parts of red rice seedlings. The researchers suggested that more than 70 percent of the rice eaten in the United States is a kind of white.
After adjusting for age and other lifestyle problems and dietary risk factors, men who consumed five or more servings per week of white rice has a 17 percent increased risk of diabetes, compared with those who ate less than one serving per month. However, eating two or more servings per week of red rice proved to be 11 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared with eating less than one serving of brown rice per month.
Another consequence of the purification process, including the loss of fiber, vitamins, magnesium and other minerals, such as lignans, phytoestrogens, and phytic acid, which may be a protective factor for risk of diabetes.

Replacing white rice and other refined grains with brown rice to prevent type 2 diabetes. Red rice, the researchers said, are often not quickly produce elevated levels of blood sugar after a meal.
READ MORE - Red Rice Lower Diabetes Risk

Beef micronutrient deficiency Abatement

[Beef photo]

Nutrition problems are not only experienced by people with low income status, but also many people with middle to high incomes who still experience the problem of nutrition. It could be due to lack of knowledge of what kind of balanced nutrition that should be obtained by any person.
One of the problems are fairly balanced nutrition often occurs, including micronutrients. Micronutrient is our body's nutritional needs are not directly we feel the consequences.
While the WHO global data (2000) shows, the world's undernourished population of nearly 3 billion micro, where residents are experiencing due to iron deficiency anemia is as much as 2 billion, and most who suffer are children. Other data from the world health agency, WHO says, any one of three people in developing countries suffer from lack of vitamins and minerals.

Sarah said, although not happen directly, but many parents who transmit the bad influences in eating healthy foods to their children. Not familiar with such foods with balanced nutrition.
Although micronutrients needed by the body in very small amounts, but by no means be underestimated due to micronutrient deficiencies micronutrients if we can have a negative impact on health.
To avoid the lack of intake of micronutrients, one of which can be done by eating beef without fat. Though, with the consumption of beef without the fat, the nutrients in the case of iron can be fulfilled as long as children are consumed in sufficient quantity and balanced, not less and not excessive.

Fresh meat consumption standards set by the world food organizations (FAO) in 2008 to fight malnutrition, which is 33 kg / year / capita. While the data in 2007 from the Directorate General of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia, indicates that the average consumption of fresh beef Indonesian population is only about 0.53 kg / year / capita, where the figure is very low than the recommended standard.
Some reasons for lack of or low meat intake in children in Indonesia, among the children who think less like eating beef for reasons difficult to chew (tough / hard). Even some of the reasons of the mother also mentioned that cooking beef requires a long time.

Consuming 122 grams of beef per day to meet the needs of iron. In order to obtain equal benefits, we must consume 7.9 kg of fish.

Children who experience iron deficiency as one micronutrient can cause a decline in intelligence of emotional intelligence as well. In addition, it also can lead to decreasing levels of hemoglobin, which is a chemical compound in red blood cells that function to carry oxygen throughout the body, which we are familiar with anemia.
READ MORE - Beef micronutrient deficiency Abatement

Pixie Lott No Fear of fat

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

[Pixie Lott photo]

In matters of style, Pixie Lott expert. With a slim body, 19-year-old singer was good at packing the best performances. Pixie did not feel compelled "to be thin. That he was not afraid of getting fat.

The singer of "The Mama Do" who recently launched his own clothing line for UK high street stores Lipsy said he was not worried about her weight. Although Pixie famous in his young age, but he did not care if his body should be fat.

Stars "Turn It Up" was revealed, it is difficult to avoid the paparazzi an unpleasant because they want to perpetuate the image.

for fashion, Pixie recently revealed that she likes to wear vintage clothes and like to vary the appearance.

But he admits his life is more glamorous than the truth, and often found himself getting ready to attend the event in some places.

READ MORE - Pixie Lott No Fear of fat

One Million Benefit Essential Oil

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

[Essential Oil photo]

Prevents signs of aging it can be done by utilizing natural ingredients are easily available. One of them is essential that proved most effective roses soften the skin is thin and sensitive, especially after menopause.

Rose oil also affects the emotions, calm the mood, release tension, nerves, and evoke the feminine side of women. However, besides the essential roses, there are other oils are also no less efficacious.

Consider just the following essential oils that can be used by dissolving it in a base oil for massage, bath, until a special treatment:


Wood is not only fragrant, also efficacious in overcoming the skin and soothe itchy.


Useful to relieve swelling caused by fluid retention.


Interest on this one proved to be powerful to repel mosquitoes, not only that, the lavender also helps enhance the growth of new skin cells.


Chamomile is known for its benefits that can soothe dry skin, sensitive, and helps reduce swelling and capillary rupture by increasing skin elasticity and strength.

READ MORE - One Million Benefit Essential Oil

Consumption of Vitamin D During Teens Can Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

[Vitamin D photo]

Vitamin D can reduce the risk of breast cancer, and suggest that administration of vitamin D relative at a young age may be very important.

Evidence that many factors associated with vitamin D, including sunlight and sources of food (cod fish oil, fortified milk, some fish species) - have a relationship with a reduction in breast cancer risk. In particular, we see this in the provision of (vitamin D) during adolescence.

The findings were based on a study comparing 576 women, aged 20 to 59 years

There is evidence of a large reduction in risk of breast cancer, such as people who work outside the home and the number of activities outside the home at the age of 10 to 19 years and 20 to 29 years.

Cod oil consumption during the 10 years or more was also associated with a reduced risk of breast cancers, as well as with the consumption of over nine glasses of milk, compared with women who consumed less than five glasses at the age of 20 to 29 years old.

Growing evidence that vitamin D may reduce breast cancer risk, and what we see in line with the opinion that what happens in breast cancer development in adolescence may affect breast cancer risk in the future.

READ MORE - Consumption of Vitamin D During Teens Can Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Traditional Hair Care

[Hair Care photo]

In addition to wearing the latest hair care products, hair care also present an alternative that turned out to have been used by our ancestors since antiquity. One type of alternative hair care is a traditional hair care products using natural barium treatment.

In order to obtain maximum results, the traditional hair care from natural ingredients should be combined with modern hair care products. Here are some traditional types of hair care ingredients proven effective in improving the beauty and hair health.

Aloe vera
Helpful nourish hair and "cool" dry scalp or irritated skin.

Content in celery helps stimulate hair growth, making the hair becomes thicker.

Useful to increase the hair's natural moistures. Very good for dry hair types.

Because it is rich in unsaturated fat, oil well is used to increase the natural moisture of hair and make hair more resilient.

Function makes hair more fertile and strong. Very good use on the hair smooth and thin.

Very good for a dull black hair. Also help increase the natural moisture of hair.

READ MORE - Traditional Hair Care

Blueberries, Source Anti-oxidant

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

[Blueberries photo]

This sour fruit that tastes really started to become popular. As a topping cakes, mixed fruit juice, or made jam. Behind the fresh sour taste, saved countless good stead for the body.

Blueberries are not as popular as strawberries. Even so, the fruit is no less powerful benefit on strawberry. No wonder if called blueberries, because the color of dark blue fruit. When viewed at a glance, the color and shape similar to the wine with the much smaller size or mini.

Many sources say that the blueberry is a high source of antioxidants. This is because the content of compounds contained in the phytonutrients anthocyanins, the pigment that gives the dark color in blueberries. Anthocyanins act as anti-oxidants.

The free radicals can cause aging are often found, and the accumulation of oxidant in the body. Quite often, free radicals can also cause cancer. Phytonutrient prevent the buildup of free radicals in the body to absorb it and throw it together with the sweat and dirt.

Apart from being antioxidants, blueberries also have other benefits such as improving the ability to recall short-term or short term memory. Also helps improve motor skills become better. Blueberries also contain manganese which act as anti-inflammatory substances.

Chafe-free body makes blood flow smoothly, maintain energy intake for the body, and also keep the mood remained in good condition. For those who have problems with heart, blueberries are excellent for preventing heart disease. Because the nutrients in blueberries keep the substance that makes nitric oxide remain flexible walls of the heart arteries.

Consists of two types of blueberries, blueberries are deliberately planted on the farm and also wild blueberries. Benefit both remain the same, as anti-oxidants. But based on research, nutrient-dense than wild blueberries in blueberry planting in the plantation. Perhaps because the ability to survive in the wild blueberries across the conditions and situations harder than large blueberries grown in the garden make it more solid nutrition.

READ MORE - Blueberries, Source Anti-oxidant

Healthy Smiles With Fish Oil

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

[Smiles photo]

Who said acid Omega-3 is only good for heart health? efficacy of fish oil in relation to maintain the health of our mouths, that is for the prevention of gingivitis and eradicate the bacteria in the mouth. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory ingredients that will help us in preventing periodontal problems and improve dental health.

This is proven in research that was published in the journal Nutrition, where volunteers who consumed fish oil during the five years, will rarely have problems with teeth and gums. Researchers from Japan at finding the low intake of essential fatty acids omega-3 (EFA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid is an open opportunity to the development of periodontal disease in older people.

There are millions of bad bacteria in our mouths that can contribute in causing periodontal disease. Take care of health "gates" of our bodies by consuming foods rich in Omega-3. Time to apply the correct diet for healthy teeth and gums to a minimum.

READ MORE - Healthy Smiles With Fish Oil

Ashley Greene Want to Have a Sexy Body

[Ashley Greene photo]

As a public figure, starring Alice Cullen in "Twilight Saga: Eclipse", Ashley Greene knew perfectly well how to maintain the slim body. Nevertheless, this year 23 women remain dissatisfied with her body like a girl. He just wants to have the body of a sexy woman.

To maintain their shape in order to stay slim, Ashley always keep eating patterns, and diligent follow pilates. Ashley admitted that she did not understand why some women aspire to have the physique like a young girl and would prefer to have a healthy and toned body.

Although the 23-year-old beautiful woman was admitted to being regular bodied when middle diet, he believes it can provide many benefits.

In addition to undergoing lifestyle and eating a healthy, Ashley also grateful thanks to the work that makes him always sexy.

READ MORE - Ashley Greene Want to Have a Sexy Body

Accelerate puberty Excessive Meat Consumption

[Meat photo]

Consumption of meat in the period of much-needed growth. But if excessive, especially for girls, could result in periods come faster. Women who ate the meat at the time the children will tend to menstruate earlier, so the research quoted in Public Health Nutrition, UK.

Researchers from the UK to compare with the diet by more than 3000 children aged 12 years. In the study noted that girls who eat meat in large quantities at the age of three years (more than eight servings per week) and at the age of 7 years (12 servings), closely associated with early puberty.

Meat diet can make the body ready for pregnancy and trigger early puberty. In the 20th century, the average age girls start menstruating younger adolescents.

This condition is expected to occur because better nutrition and increased levels of obesity, which affect the hormones. In the latest study, the team used data from a group of children seen from the date of birth.

At the age of 12 years eight months, they divide the group of girls who have started menstruating and those who have not. Then compared with the diet they were doing at the age of three, seven, and 10 years, researchers found that eating meat at a young age has strong links to early menstruation.

In fact, eating meat at age seven years to improve early changes as much as 75 percent of menstruating at the age of 12 years, than those who ate meat at an older age. However, this finding was not based on weight. This study reinforce previous studies showing that girls have a greater weight to menstruate earlier than the lean.

Menstrual periods at an early age is closely linked with an increased risk of breast cancer, possibly because women have a greater level of estrogen throughout their lives. However, the researchers emphasize girls do not have to reduce their consumption of meat like excessive eating meat.

Children aged seven years categorized largest meat eating, spending 12 servings in a week, and children aged three years who have more than eight servings. Weight loss is not the only factor causing the girl to menstruate earlier than average age. He added that the meat is a good source of iron, and much needed during pregnancy.

READ MORE - Accelerate puberty Excessive Meat Consumption

37 Years, Cameron Diaz Stay Slim

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

[Cameron Diaz photo]

Not all women can retain their shape remains a wonderful time at the age of 37 years. But apparently it did not apply for a beautiful actress Cameron Diaz. The proof, her body still slim as 10 years ago.

American actress was able to maintain their shape by exercising diligently. Her favorite sport is cardio.

"Cardio good for the circulation of blood. Do cardio for 20-30 minutes to perform different movements in each exercise session. For example, walking down stairs or treadmill with a time of five minutes each. Alternatively, you can stay on the treadmill for 30 minutes, "says fitness trainer Teddy Bass about Cameron Diaz's secret svelte body.

Charlie's Angels star habits cardio routine is already proven results until now. Beautiful body make many women jealous of success.

One look at the evidence of this former fashion model beach holiday in Hawaii recently. Beautiful actress was born August 30, 1972 bikini show, so that every smooth curve of her body can be seen easily by others.

READ MORE - 37 Years, Cameron Diaz Stay Slim

Diet, Kate Hudson Count Calories Before Eating

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

[Kate Hudson photo]

Kate Hudson is raising its body weight in favor of a role. Although she still looks amazing slim, this stunning actress admitted that she was "stacking" several pounds for his role in the film "The Killer Inside Me".

The actress has ever collided with Anne Hathaway's acting in the film Bride Wars (2009) is, indeed being asked to approve its role appears more simple and not glamorous. Post-filming the new movie, she returned to restore his body weight by going to the gym, and adjust your diet (diet).

In the event of "The Late Show with David Letterman", Kate was asked to taste one of her diet menu, waffles. But this time a lot of waffle is coated with butter spread.

The actress who just holds a degree as Global Brand Ambassador Almay, previously never talked about his appearance.

The fact that women can take care of his face by avoiding operating table. And if she does not worry about such matters?

READ MORE - Diet, Kate Hudson Count Calories Before Eating

3 Ways to Make Skin Naturally beautiful

[Naturally beautiful photo]

All women want to have healthy skin and shiny. But to make it, needed treatment early. Like what?

Not only routinely applying moisturizer, sunscreen, or diligent to the salon-spa for skin care for face and body, in fact, everyday activities also affect the health condition of the skin. Well, for you who want to know how to make your skin naturally healthy.

Healthy Eating

Eating good fats is highly recommended for healthy skin. Lean meat, grain-based foods, fruits, vegetables, and foods containing Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) is very important to always keep your skin healthy. Therefore, it provides a variety of foods intake on skin structure and reduce skin inflammation.

Most Americans eat a diet with high content of Omega-6. Food is found in red meat and eggs. Unfortunately, in the meat and eggs contain Omega-3 is not fulfilled, but you can find on salmon, sardines, tuna, and beans. Try to include foods rich in omega-3 into your daily menu. Not only delicious, but can make your skin constantly maintained.

Protect your skin from sun exposure

Ultraviolet (UV) is not only a major cause of skin cancer. Premature aging, lines wrinkles, dark spots, lower eyelids, as well as discoloration of the skin is also caused by exposure to UV light.

Protect skin by wearing sunscreen SPF higher grades. Currently, a sunscreen with SPF 45 is recommended use in daily life. In fact, not only for women, man is also advisable to wear it before the move in the sun.

It's safe from the dangers of UV skin? Certainly not safe enough. Safeguards could you try to wear a hat and sunglasses. This way to protect your scalp and eyes exposed to the sun.

Sleep quality

Skin needs time to "repair". At night, skin works maximum. Enough sleep is very good for skin health. Time to sleep for adults is 7-8 hours per day.

Sleep quality is not necessarily enough. However, when you sleep with good sleep quality, then you can reduce stress. Other skin problems and inflammation can also be resolved.

READ MORE - 3 Ways to Make Skin Naturally beautiful

Courteney Cox Diet How to emulate Jennifer Aniston

[Courteney Cox photo]

Diet is an effective step for the beautiful actress Courteney Cox has a beautiful body. But who would have thought, a diet program that will run it turned out to imitate the way a healthy diet best friend, Jennifer Anniston.

Recently, the star of the movie "Cougar Town" Courteney Cox disclose if it has been these last 10 years stealing a healthy diet belongs to the friend. As a result, he also stole the example eat menu which his friend, the Cobb salad.

This 45-year-old star was apparently dreamed comedy series "Friends" who starred with Jennifer Aniston could someday be appointed to the big screen, like the movie Sex and the City.

Several months ago, the mother of a daughter named Coco (5) admits no discipline in the diet even though she could avoid eating salt.

The wife of American actor David Arquette was also ensures been undergoing regular exercise when no longer find his body slim since quitting smoking.

READ MORE - Courteney Cox Diet How to emulate Jennifer Aniston

End opaque Dry Skin with Honey Scrub

[ Jennifer Lopez photo]

Jennifer Lopez skin that tends to dry is always beautiful, healthy and glowing. Though, generally dry skin often looks dull, wrinkled and torn easily when exposed to hot weather.

Honey has humectant properties, which can attract and maintain moisture. Honey also acts as an anti-irritating making it suitable for even sensitive skin is dry though.

Want beautiful skin like Jennifer? This is the recipe: Honey Body Scrub made your own!

Prepare two cups of honey, 1 / 2 cup grape seed oil (can be purchased at the store cosmetics), six teaspoons of dark chocolate without sugar (can be finely grated or replace it with cocoa powder) and 2 cups of salt minerals.

Combine honey and grapeseed oil in a bowl or other container, and enter the chocolate and salt, stirring until completely mixed. A good mixture is rather coarse and thick.

Rub mixture all over your body and give a light massage. Then wash with warm wet towel, or rinse with water (shower). If not, use soap to clean and lubricate body lotion afterwards.

Clammy skin was beautiful and so is yours!

READ MORE - End opaque Dry Skin with Honey Scrub

Caffeine Benefits

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

As a group of compounds metilsantin, coffee is one plant that contains caffeine, not just that the coffee also contain compounds trofilin and theobromine. Caffeine was included in the group of substances have the ability menstimultan brain. If separated from other substances, caffeine is the original form of white powder with slightly bitter taste, but the wearer will gain extra strength to fight fatigue, because of the emergence of high spirits.

Not only provides fitness on the body, coffee proved to be helpful to think faster, someone who will do a job interview or giving a presentation, if drinking coffee 15 minutes or 30 minutes before the ceremony performed, the result will be pretty good, because the caffeine in coffee was able to give a signal in the brain to more quickly respond and quickly processed in the brain memory is not just a phenomenon that mere suggestion, but could be explained scientifically.

Why does caffeine can sharpen your memory? One that makes people easy to sleep is the role of adenosine compounds in brain cells, if the substance is bound by its receptor, it automatically will slow the activity of body cells, also causes enlargement of blood vessels. Caffeine may compete with the function of adenosine, particularly in making the bond with the receptor. Caffeine will not slow body movements, as more and more caffeine that is absorbed into, the body cells slowly it will not respond to commands adenosine, because the receptor in the brain more busy struggling with caffeine, in other words, caffeine to reverse all the work pattern of adenosine, which can cause stimulation of the brain nervous system, resulting in power thought to be sharper. Caffeine can reach the brain and into the nervous system through the bloodstream within 15 minutes after a person drinks coffee.

Coffee, which is often blamed as a scapegoat of sickness, it has a positive side. Therefore, do not jump to believe the stories circulating about the negative effects of caffeine. Continue to drink coffee for your fitness, do not be excessive, drinking coffee with caffeine levels up to 240 mg per day, and you'll stay healthy.

If excessive coffee consumption will certainly have impacts that are not good, as well as others if we over-consume will cause something not good. Excessive coffee drinking will be an opportunity to invite the disease, such as difficulty sleeping (insomnia), severe headaches, palpitations, and even panic will occur primarily in people who are sensitive. Category one is if it consumes too much in one day as much as 1000 mg, equivalent to 80-10 cups.

READ MORE - Caffeine Benefits

Urine Could Be Acne Drug

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

[Acne photo]

If the urine usually can only be used as a remedy for sore eyes, these fluids are now able to treat acne problems.

In general, said urine associated only with the "results" regarding the traffic of human biology with a toilet. Did you know that this one body fluid are used by some people to treat their acne problem.

We all know what urine, where it comes from and what role it plays in a healthy body functions. But there are other uses of these fluids, which can cure acne.

Although not everyone admit it, but several have tried this form of acne medication at some time in their lives. Thus, how could the urine helps prevent acne and pimples?

Practice of using urine for cosmetics or skin has a name: urotherapy, as well as several different variations. While this fluid is generally known as a waste product by many people.

Urine is not a waste product, due to the fact that a truly free from poison. Conditions are sterile because of the water approximately 95 to 98 percent of the urine.

Other parts of the body fluids are considered by medical experts as having a small biochemical compounds in nature makes it ideal for the treatment of certain skin problems like acne.

Urotherapy actual practice has been used for thousands of years in several countries around the world. You can even find some skin care and cosmetic products contain some form of urine-especially-synthetic version. This material is known as the "urea" and are primarily used in face creams.

READ MORE - Urine Could Be Acne Drug

Healthy Foods for your Diet

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

[Healthy Foods photo]

Is it possible that if we eat more doses, can actually lose weight? if you eat nutritious foods and reducing consumption of fast food.

People in general do not realize that if you want to lose weight does not have to push yourself, the way is by eating nutritious food. With good food means you do not leave room for foods that are "good" in your body. With nutritious food means you reduce the risk of your body exposed to dangerous diseases for example: Cardiac, Diabetes, Stroke and others. By combining foods you like can facilitate you in managing your diet everyday.

In changing your eating habits you have anything to notice, make changes gradually and do not force yourself to something that really takes time to change. In a study revealed that in making a gradual change in the results obtained would be maximal. Changes will gradually ease you in implementing them. Slightest change will bring huge benefits for your health especially your own without wasting time.

Here are some examples of tips that can help you in reducing your weight.

- Breakfast

Many people ignore the function of breakfast. A big mistake for those of you who want to lose weight. Studies show that people who do not have breakfast in the morning had a tendency to increase the portion of food at the time he had lunch. Also breakfast helps, increase your metabolism, so eat breakfast improve your metabolism. If you are unfamiliar with breakfast try to eat buah2an, or foods high in nutrients.

- Drinking Water

At least in one day the average person drink eight glasses of water. Cold water can increase your metabolism. Water, of course, contains no calories and get rid of fat in the body to function. Drinking water a half hour before meals can reduce and minimize your hunger to consume excess food.

- Vegetables Consumption

Adding vegetables in your diet is very beneficial. That's because vegetables have fiber and vitamins that are useful for our body.

READ MORE - Healthy Foods for your Diet

Coffee and effect for the Body

[Coffee photo]

A cup of coffee a day is good for health. The myth that we hear very often. But is it really like there? Coffee has two effects in the body, which is positive and negative. But you do not have to worry, because the effect was more positive than negative effects, but you must keep and pay attention to how many servings you drink in a day.

The positive effects of coffee:
- Coffee may reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease.

- Coffee may reduce risk of Parkinson disease.

- Coffee may help improve the human short-term memory.
This is mainly due to the caffeine it contains react chemically stimulate and help us to capture and focus on the information received is better for certain short-term.

- Coffee may help relieve headaches.
Caffeine content can help enhance the effects of drugs whose function is to relieve pain such as aspirin, Midol and Excedrin. Much of headache medications contain caffeine and migrants in small quantities.

- Coffee is an effective antioxidant.

- Coffee is a good diuretic.
Drinking coffee makes people more frequent urination. This is great for helping your body get rid of all the substances or content that is no longer needed by the body.

- Coffee also helps reduce the risk of kidney stones

The negative effects of coffee:
- Content of caffeine in coffee
Caffeine does have some effect, especially on health problems. Although as written above, that it contains caffeine positive effect also on the body. Clearly, the things we need to consider is how many levels in our body. Just imagine if we consume too much caffeine in a day, what happens to our bodies in many years time?

- Coffee can cause constipation or difficulty defecating.
Because the content of coffee which is a good diuretic, it can cause dehydration of the body, causing constipation.

- Coffee causes coral to yellow teeth and dental bia consumed in excessive amounts. Especially when large amounts of added sugar in the coffee.

READ MORE - Coffee and effect for the Body

Usefulness Sunkist Orange Juice

[Sunkist photo]

Sunkist Citrus many properties, but these oranges are different with other citrus, the skin thick and tough to eat.

Sunkist orange properties

boost immunity, strengthen the lymph, reduce cholesterol and treat infections and fever.

Seeing the great benefits of these oranges, it is advisable to consume this Sunkist oranges. Oranges can be consumed in various ways, one easy way to consume this is to make orange juice Sunkist orange. Here is how to manufacture:

4 medium Sunkist Orange
Ice cube
Sugar to taste

1. Peel the orange skin and flesh of the fruit into the blender insert
2. insert ice cubes and sugar
3. Blend and pour into glass

Please you drink it and feel the freshness, and your body will become healthy!

READ MORE - Usefulness Sunkist Orange Juice

Dark underarms

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

[Dark underarms photo]

From all parts of the body, dealing with the name armpits are the most annoying thing. If you're looking for an easier way for making free overgrown armpit hair and not black, there are a few tips and tricks that you can follow.

The main thing to remember is, the skin is usually extremely sensitive armpits. The things you do every day may be the reason why you often have problems with this one section. Like other parts of your body, armpits can become an annoying part and sensitive. In fact it is not impossible, to make you ashamed.

Many women deal with underarm hair. Moreover, when these fine hairs grow back. One way to overcome this problem is to shave it. This process might make clogged pores in the armpits. So take the time one or two times a week to clean it.

For you who wonder how to clean up this area, can make the process of using a loofah or scrubbing with a soft brush.

In fact, there are special skin care products designed to cleanse and exfoliate sensitive skin in the armpit area. After washing the armpits, make sure the area is completely dry and no need to rush to apply deodorant. However, let your pores breathe for a while.

In other words, shaved armpits can cause stress on these areas. Therefore, always make sure not to use a blunt knife, but select a new, razor sharp. Shaving in the shower is the best way to clean the armpit of the fine hairs around this area.

You can also shave my armpits at night. Because, shaved at this time can avoid the occurrence of excessive sweating, such as in the daytime.

The combination of sweat, although only slightly, along with the chemicals in deodorant and a small wound in the armpit because shaving can provide a sense of discomfort, even clogged pores. Shaving in the night free you from situations like this.

Still dealing with dark underarms? flaking skin regularly can help brighten the armpit. When the decay of the layer of dead skin cells often do, then your armpit will not appear so dark.

If you do not want to deal with the hair in the armpit at all and want to enjoy a seamless underarms, you can switch to the new method, which is permanent hair removal. This type of treatment that one was a little expensive, especially if the required number of treatment sessions.

But, if you can be free from armpit hair without shaving them regularly in the bathroom why not try?

READ MORE - Dark underarms

Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

[Kiwi photo]

In addition to delicious food, kiwi fruit is now becoming popular because of the high vitamin C content and able to lower cholesterol. In addition, the kiwi is able to protect the body from dangerous free radicals.

Maybe you'll be surprised to know kiwi fruit contains an abundance of vitamin C in it. In fact, the content of vitamin C contained in the kiwi is extra than citrus fruits in general. Not surprisingly, the kiwi is not only delicious to eat, but bring a million benefits that can be enjoyed by lovers of fruit.

To learn more benefits of this exotic fruit, it is primarily an antioxidant-rich kiwi fruit contains vitamin C in it. Known to many positive benefits for the human body, such as the fight against the damage to the body from free radicals and prevent signs of premature aging.

In addition, the kiwi also has other benefits, namely counteracting a variety of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. In fact, the kiwi was also spelled out very good to boost the immune system, so you can avoid the flu. Not only vitamin C, vitamin E, but can also be found in the fruit has green flesh of this.

Another plus is impressive from a kiwi fruit is able to maintain your vision. Researchers announced, eat three kiwis a day can lower risk of macular degeneration in relation to age, which became the leading cause of vision loss on the parents.

Other studies also showed that children who ate between 5-7 kiwi fruit in one day becomes more vulnerable to the symptoms of many illnesses, including asthma, cough, and shortness of breath.

Want to get the benefits of kiwi fruit? You can enjoy the breakfast, lunch, dinner to dessert. For breakfast, you can add kiwi to one of your favorite foods. For example add fresh kiwi slices into the bowl of cereal you're ready to eat food.

At lunch, you can make a salad full of fresh fruits, including kiwi. One of the salad recipes that you can try at home is to combine eight cups fresh spinach leaves, sliced strawberries, a half cup of chopped walnuts, kiwi peeled and sliced, two tablespoons of raspberry jam, and two tablespoons of raspberry vinegar, the salad was ready for You enjoy.

READ MORE - Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Vitamin E Prevent Damage to Retina

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

[Vitamin E photo]

Vitamin E is always associated with the skin. Starting from softening, toning, to slow the aging process. Yet that's just not beneficial. Vitamin E is also believed to be able to maintain retinal health.

Vitamin E did not loose connection with the world of women. Why not? Because vitamin E is believed able to prevent the aging process because of its ability to counteract free radical skin health is maintained. Prevent aging, and reduce the risk of early wrinkles.

Vitamin E is fat-soluble vitamin that functions as an antioxidant. No wonder if the benefit is so great for skin health and the human body. Because the ability to counteract free radicals, causing the body to get sufficient intake of vitamin E is protected from the risk of cancer and heart attacks.

Vitamin E is a lot contained in olive oil, canola oil, avocado, sunflower seeds, and other types of nuts. Although vitamin E is contained in many foods that contain fat, but fats are not bad fats. Precisely these fats are good fats that is safe for the heart and cholesterol.

Consequences caused by lack of vitamin E are rare. This may indeed rare or rarely did research about it. While food is a source of vitamin E on average are foods that contain vegetable fat.

Indirectly this could be one relevant factor. Caused different symptoms, including hands and feet, nerve damage, disruption of the balance system, weak muscles, and even retinal damage. So, taking vitamin E supplements good or foods that contain vitamin E not only maintain healthy skin and heart but also to maintain eye health, particularly the retina.

READ MORE - Vitamin E Prevent Damage to Retina

Overcome with Avocado Broken Heel

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

One part that is not often escape the attention of women is the heel. Finger and toenails to be noticed. But the heel does not. Though the heel is a weight loss support.

There are some problems on the heel if not paid attention to, among others, cracked and thickened.

Other causes of heel often thickened and cracked is because too often wears high heel and too frequent contact with soapy water and detergent.

The question is, how can I fix this? There was one treatment that can be done, namely the special care with traditional ingredients like avocado scrub. Avocado is a fruit that is rich in fat.

Fat contained in avocados include healthy fats and can help reduce the dryness of the skin. In addition, the avocado also has a high vitamin E content. "Vitamin E is very good to overcome the dryness of the skin. Not only the skin on the face, but also can be overcome, such as dry skin on the heel of the foot, "continued Love.

Scrubbing with avocado base material can overcome the problem of cracked heels and thick and dry. Coarse grains or scrubs is useful to remove dead skin cells. While the amount of vitamin E in avocado useful for moisturizing dry skin and cracked heels.

READ MORE - Overcome with Avocado Broken Heel


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