We often encounter in everyday life is food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning that often arise include: headache, vomiting, diarrhea, red-red and itchy skin, red eyes and fever. In fact, some foods can cause blood poisoning that can cause humans to lose consciousness. Therefore, it should be very careful in terms of diet and began to recognize the environment around us.
Most sources of poisoning are: can of food, from the kitchen because it deals with the cleanliness of the kitchen equipment, as well as people who manage the cleanliness of the food.
Precise and simple way to avoid food poisoning are:
1. Wash hands before eating and also in managing and serving food. Especially after the hand touched the animal, in the case of changing diapers, after urinating, or during defecation, or associated with soil, plants and herbs.
2. Note also the refrigerator or freezer it is worth noting, and also to note is that the refrigerator is only inhibit bacterial growth. Because if the food is issued in the refrigerator was not immediately processed, then the bacteria can multiply rapidly and can cause toxicity.
3.Jangan placed alongside the raw eating cooked food, because it may cause cross contamination.
4. Avoid foods from insects such as flies, mice as well.
5. Wash food with water flowing to avoid contamination by bacteria, worms and eggs in food peptisida without boiling.
6. Do not leave food or water droplets falling on other food or scattered with other foods, because it could be a good food or bad food pollutants that have been stale.
7. Use different cutting board for cutting raw and cooked foods, because the cutting board after cutting raw material may contain bacteria, especially if used to cut raw meat. Do not forget to wash cutting boards with soap and hot water. Or, more secure wear with two different cutting board.
8. And note the foods you eat, like if you are often allergic to one type of food then avoid these foods such as shrimp, tuna fish, seawater fish and other species. Especially when the body is less fit that can lead to decreased endurance, so that it can lead to increased allergic reactions and spur reactions and allergic responses in the body.
Better to prevent it? more affected than the new first we change our bad habits. Do not forget to watch out for management, how to store food, and serving it, so symptoms of toxicity can be prevented. Notice also the type of foods we eat everyday.
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