For women, this one called the disease must be caused by fear. In addition to cervical cancer, breast cancer, including diseases of the most attacking women.
In some countries, one of the UK, breast cancer became the most frightening specter of disease. Why not, breast cancer in this country has claimed many lives. This shows how dangerous breast cancer that if left can lead to death.
According to Dr. Kunta Setiaji Spb SpBOnk from SMF Surgery Sardjito Hospital / FKU UGM, breast cancer incidence in Indonesia was 21 new cases per 100 thousand people, while in Europe the incidence of breast cancer is high enough that 76 new cases per 100 thousand people. Breast cancer is divided into several stages:
1. Stadium zero (carcinomain situ ductal).
2. Stage 1 (lump / tumor size under 2 inches)
3. Stage 11 A (lumps in the breast size of 2-5 inches)
4. Stage 11 B (other than a lump in my breast size 2-5 inches, in the armpit are also already palpable lump)
5. Stadium 111 A (lump size above 5 centimeters)
6. 111 B-stage (in addition there are lumps in the breast size above 5 inches, has had ulcers in the breasts).
7. Stage IV (cancer has spread to the lungs, liver, bone, except for hair and nails).
You probably never thought it was breast cancer. Previously you did not feel anything in particular at the breast. You feel healthy and do not feel disturbed in their daily activities. In early esophageal cancer, you just feel a small lump in the breast, or sometimes out of fluid from the nipples that you feel is no bother. You also do not care about it. Unexpectedly, a breast cancer gnawing at you. That picture of the early symptoms of this cancer.
If you experience any such case, you should be careful. Difficult to detect early symptoms, except for the appearance of small lumps or nipple discharge of you might take for granted. If not immediately under suspicion, sooner or later, this disease will spread to all parts of the body, such as lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bone, brain and others. However, it should be noted, cancer is not a disease that can not be cured, provided that can be detected early and treated properly.
To detect this disease early, a routine inspection by the owner himself is highly recommended. Check your breasts regularly, at least once a month or a week after menstruation. Because at that time the most tender breasts, so if there are tumors or certain disorders can be more easily detected. For those of you already menopause, routine inspection can be done every month. Here's how meradangnya identification and prevention of breast cancer.
1. Conducting inspections by seeing breasts in the mirror.
2. Perform palpation, by way of touching the breast while lying down.
3. Massage the nipples with your fingers. Notice if there is fluid from the nipple, such as clear fluid, pus, blood or other.
4. Find out if there is a family history of breast cancer. Because the breast is closely related to genetic factors. These factors influence at least 10 percent of all cases of breast cancer exists.
5. Watch your weight. Obesity (overweight) seems to increase breast cancer risk. The researchers found women with a weight of 44 to 55 pounds after age 18 as much as 40 percent have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
6. Exercise regularly. Some studies suggest that exercise can reduce breast cancer risk.
7. If you are over 50 years, doing regular breast screening. The age factor was the main factor of breast cancer. Research shows 80 percent of breast cancers occur in women aged over 50 years.
8. Reduce fatty foods.
9. Give breast milk in infants.
10. Reduce stress.
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